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The hatred of SriŚrī Hari is of nine kinds: possession

of the knowledge of 1) the identity of Paramātman and

Jivātman 2) attributelessness of the Lord 3) imperfection of

His attributes 4) equal status of Brahma, Vișnṣṇu and Maheś-

vara 5) Superiority of Siva over Śriiva over Śrī Hari 6) difference

among the form, quality and deeds of SriŚrī Hari 7) consi-

deration of Bhagavaān Vedavyaāsa as a mere sage and of

Prthu as a direct avatar of Śrī Hari 8) hatred of the devotees
of Sri

of Śrī
Hari and 9) denial or abuse of the pramanāṇas. The

"Bhagavad Gita also speaks of the three kinds of Soul-

Saāttvic, Rājasic and Taāmasic (XVII-2).


In this verse the poet says that those human beings

who are indifferent to the teachings of the ācārya in spite

of their birth in his country and near his place are subject

to repeated births and deaths. This is the kind of suffering

experienced by such Raājasic souls.

पार्श्वभूमि = proximate place. It also means birth in a

family and association with the Lord's devotees.

पञ्च्कष्टे -
-1) In andhatamas which is more tormenting than the

five temporary hells.

2) Which has the five kinds of suffering to which
the ta

the tāj
masic souls are subject (described in the next verse).

= 3:97417:
अस्तप्रायानन्दं = happiness which is greatly


In this verse we have another graphic description of

the sufferings of the taāmasic souls in andhatamas. The five

kinds of sufferings referred to in the previous verse are

described here. They are :