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holy footwear as a result of which the golden particles of
dust mingle with and redden all the quarters.
कोलाहल = a loud noise ज़व = speed वेगो रयो जवो वाज:
प्राज्ञात्मा = Paramātman प्रकर्षेण जानातीति
प्राज्ञः । प्राज्ञश्चासौ आत्मा च प्राज्ञात्मा.
}fq=reddish yellow.
= excellent
In this verse the poet says that he is not able to praise the
glory of the feet of the acarya.
=mental worry. पुंस्याधिर्मानसी व्यथा ( अमरकोष )
= bodily disease like leprosy, fistula, etc.
उपाधि =cause such as nescience (fr), egotism (³ft̃¤¶r)
अन्धतमस् = This is one of the eternal hells, the other being तामिश्रा
(Tämisrā). The hells are seven in number of which five are
temporary. They are: Raurava, mahāraurava, Vahni, Vaitaraṇī,
Kumbhīpāka, Tāmisrã and andhatāmisrā. The muktiyogya
jivas enjoy bliss in Vaikuntha whereas the tamoyogya jivas are
thrown into hell. The Visnu purana also gives a brief account
of the various hells (chap. VI-Second Amsa). The Gita refers
to these in XIV-18 and XVI:20. & B. Sutras III-1-16.
In this verse the poet declares his inability to praise the
glory of Śrī Vayu.
कलिमल- अज्ञान, विपरीतज्ञान and संशय form the body of kali. Ajnāna
consists in being ignorant of the real nature of a thing.
Viparītajnana consists in possessing knowledge that is contrary
to the nature of things. Samsaya is the state of being doubtful