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॥ श्रीः ॥
ffa in
The ācārya has appropriately employed
the first half of the verse and
in the latter half.
The acarya intends thereby that after killing the demon
Hiranyakasipu, playfully (like a lion) the Lord wore the
intestines as a garland.


The ācārya has appropriately employed शार्दूलविक्रीडित in
the first half of the verse and स्रग्धरा in the latter half.
The ācārya intends thereby that after killing the demon
Hiraṇyakaśipu, playfully (like a lion) the Lord wore the
intestines as a garland.
प्रत्येकवज्रायिताः The ācārya has brought out by this

expression the glory and distinctiveness of the Lord from

the rest of creation. While a lion has to employ all its

nails to kill its prey, the Lord can kill innumerable foes

simultaneously by using only one of His nails. Again,

though the nails of the Lord are compared to the thunder-

bolt of Indra, we must remember that whereas Indra has

to use a weapon different from him, the Lord uses his

nails which are not different from him. The अभेद between

the Lord and His nails (and the various parts of the body)

is intended here.

पुरुहूत -- Indra पुरुहूयते यज्ञेषु इति पुरुहूत :

भूरिभागैः --
another variant reading of
नाकिवृन्दैः (celestial
They are so called because they get a greater
part of the
ater parth of oblation. 2) by the highly prosperous gods.

In this verse the acarya brings out the supertiority of

the Lord over the rest of creation and also His unique attributes.

The first half of the verse tells there is none superior or