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क्ष्वेलाक्षीणाट्टहास तव रणमरिहन्नुद्गदोदामबाहो:

बह्रक्षोहिण्यनी कक्षपणसुनिपुणं यस्य सर्वोत्तमस्य ।

शुश्रूषार्थ स्वयमह*सवक्तुमानन्दतार्थ-

श्रीमन्नामन् समर्थस्त्वमपि हि युवयोः पादपद्मं प्रपद्ये ॥ २४ ॥

स्वयमयमथ (Variant reading )

kṣvelakṣinatṭahasam tava raṇamarihan udgadoddāmabāḥo

bahvakṣauhinyanika kṣapaṇasunipuṇam yasya sarvōtta-

masya 1

śuśruşartham cakartha svayamayamiha (matha)


śrimannaman samarthaḥ tvamapi yuvayok padapadmam

prapadye ll 24 ll

O, Śriī Mukhyaprana bearing the prosperous name of

Anandatirtha who destroys the foes (of Lord SriŚrī Hari and

His devotees) and whose strong shoulders bear the unexcelled

mace, I take refuge in the lotus-like feet of both of you

(Śrī Vedavyāsa and Srī Vāyu).
For, Śri Vedavyāsa and

then yourself are capable of describing well the battle you

made in order to serve the supreme Lord. Your battle is

noted for being dexterous in destroying the akşauhinı armies
ṣauhiṇī armies
of the foes and (also) for the loud laughter enhanced by

your leonine roar.

दुह्यन्त हृदुहं मां द्रुतमनिल बलाद् द्रावयन्तीम विद्या-

निद्रां विद्राव्य सद्यो रचनपटुमथाऽपाद्य विद्यासमुद्र ।

वाग्देवी सा सुविद्या द्रविणद विदिता द्रौपदी रुद्रपत्न्या-

द्युद्रिक्ता द्रागभद्राद्रहयतु दयिता पूर्वभीमाऽज्ञया ते ॥ २५ ॥