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śrīmadviṣṇvaṅghriniṣṭhātiguṇa gurutama śrīmad-
trailokyācārya pādojjvala jalajalasat pāṃsavo'smān
punantu ।
vācāṃ yatra praṇetrī tribhuvanamahitā śāradā
jyotsnā bhadrasmitaśrī dhavalitakakubhā premabhāraṃ
babhāra ॥ 1 ॥
May the particles of dust which shine in the dazzling
lotus-like feet of the resplendent Ānandatirtha (the author of
bliss-giving Śāstra) purify us. He is the preceptor of the
three worlds and the pre-eminent guru of all gurus because
of his sublime virtue of steadfast devotion to the feet of
Lord Śrī Viṣṇu in the company of Lakṣmī. Bhārati (Śāradā),
the goddess of speech and all Śāstras, who is worshipped by
(and in) the three worlds and who makes the quarters white
by the lustre of her auspicious smile which is like the (moon)
light of the autumnal moon, evinced (maintained) a deep-abid-
ing love for these particles of dust.
उत्कण्ठाकुण्ठ कोलाहल जवविदिताजस्र सेवानुवृद्ध-
प्राज्ञात्मज्ञानधूतान्तमस सुमनो मौलि रत्नावलीनाम् ।
भक्त्युद्रेकावगाढ़ प्रघटनसटात्कार संघृष्यमाण-
प्रान्त प्राग्याङ्घ्रिपीठोत्थित कनकरज: पिञ्जरारञ्जिताशाः ॥ २ ॥
utkaṇṭhākuṇṭha kolāhala javaviditājasra sevānuvṛddha-
prājñātmajñānadhūtāngdhatamasa sumanomauli
-ratnāvalīnām ।
bhaktyudrekāvagāḍha praghaṭana sagdhaṭātkāra
prānta prāgyāṅghri pīṭhotthita kanakaraja: piñjarā
rañjitāśāḥ ॥ 2 ॥