2023-03-09 15:41:50 by ramamurthys
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एकेनापरस्यान्यथासिद्धिराक्षेपः । अ. शे. ४.४
आक्षेपस्वयमुक्तस्य प्रतिषेधो विचारणात् । कु. ३२.७३
निषेधाभासमाक्षेपं बुधाः केचन मन्वते । कु. ३२.३४
आक्षेपोऽन्यो विधौ व्यक्ते निषेधे च तिरोहिते। कु. ३२.७५
आक्षेपो वक्तुमिष्टस्य यो विशेषविवक्षया ।
निषेधो वक्ष्यमाणत्वेनोक्तत्वेन च स द्विधा ॥ अ. कौ ८।२७०
निषेधेच्छाययाक्षेपः कान्तिं प्रथयितुं पराम् ।
इष्टस्याप्यभिधातुं योऽर्थस्य विशेषबोधाय ।
स्वयमेव प्रतिषेधः स वक्ष्यमाणोक्तविषय आक्षेपः ॥ अ-कौ. ३६
आगमः Āgamaḥ :
ā √gam a (<ach) literally means traditional doctrine, precept, sacred writ-
ings or scriptures (like the Vedas), the last of the four kinds of knowledge
valid judgement or proof as given by a wise man) or śabda pramāna ie
valid proof revealed through wise men or codified in scriptures
like the Vedas). When such a statement in the form of injunction
or advice is represented in an artistic style by a poet, it is known as
Āgama or Śabda. It is recognised by Bhoja and A
to the category of pramāṇa-alaṃkāra (ie figures estab
methodology of logical argument)
eg 1. dāridryaṃ paramāj
to the category of pramāṇa-alamkāra (ie figures established on the
methodology of logical argument)
eg 1. dāridryam paramānjānam.
दारिद्र्यं परमाज्ञानम् ।
Poverty is the obscurest nescience.
2. nāśāya mṛgayā rājñām iti jānannapi svayam
jahau tā
नाशाय मृगया राज्ञामिति जानन्नपि स्वयम् ।
जहौ तं माधवो वीरो न हिंस्यादिति भावयन् ॥
Hunting for kings is but kill-
By himself knowing it fully well
Mādhava, the valiant, left her
Thinking 'violence is not to prefer'.
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