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Avajñā अवज्ञा : Dishonour

va jñā ªşı: Dishonour :
(ā <añ) literally means contempt, dishonour, low opinion, dis-
regard etc. When the merits or defects of one are not found to act
or react in the other in spite of the fact that it would h
ava e been so,
the figure of speech is called Ava
jñā (. It is just the opposite of Ullā <añ) literally means contempt, dishonour, low opinion, dis-
regard etc. When the merits or defects of one are not found to act
or react in the other in spite of the fact that it would have been so,
the figure of speech is called Avajñā. It is just the opposite of Ullāsa
(Reflection). But Jagannaātha says that this figure should not be
treated as a separate alam

treated as a separate alaṃ
kara since it is not different from Viseşśeṣokti

(Peculiar Allegation) in any way.

eg 1.
mlāyanti yadi padmāni / kā hānir amṛtadyuteḥ?

म्लायन्ति यदि पद्मानि / का हानिरमृतद्युतेः ।

If the lotuses become lack-lustre

With the moon (if tarnished) what fault is there?

2. niṣṇāto'pi vedānte vairāgyam naiti durjanaḥ.

jalanidhau magno maināka iva mārdavam.

निष्णातोऽपि वेदान्ते / वैराग्यं नैति दुर्जनः ।

चिरं जलनिधौ मग्नो / मैनाक इव मार्दवम् ॥

A rogue though proficient in Vedāntism

Never does accept stoicism,

Like the mount Kailāśa not becoming tender

Though submerged under ocean for ever.

It is believed that lotuses bloom in the morning by the rays of

the sun and after the nightfall they due to effect of the moon-

beams. But the moon is always very much agreeable for its nectar-

like rays. If the lotus turns pale by night it is not the fault of the

moon. Here we see that the merits of the moon-beams are reacting

adversly towards the lotuses.

In the second example, it is stated that a rogue though versed

in the philosophy of the Vedanta does not follow the life of a saint.

Vedanta preaches that all mundane objects are unreal and all

worldly pleasures produce nothing but pain in the long run; the

only reality is Brahman, the eternal spirit. Here it is implied that the

teaching of ethical values is of no use for the rogue.


अवज्ञा वर्ण्यते वस्तु गुणदोषाक्षमं यदि । च. ५.११२

ताभ्यां तौ यदि न स्यातामवज्ञालंकृतिस्तु सा । कु. १०११३६

तद् (उल्लास) - विपर्ययोऽवज्ञा। र. २
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