2023-04-05 13:46:09 by ramamurthys
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Anyokti. But there is slight difference between Samāsokti and Anyokti
since the former shows unanimity of adjective phrases while the lat-
ter bears no such peculairity.
eg 1. kṣutkṣāmo'pi jarākṛśo'pi śithilaprāṇo'pi kaṣṭām daśām
apanno'pi vipannadidhitir api praneṣu gacchatsvapi.
kiṃ jirṇaṃ tṛṇam atti mānamahatām agresaraḥ keśarī.
क्षुत्क्षामोऽपि जराकृशोऽपि शिथिलप्राणोऽपि कष्टां दशाम्
आपन्नोऽपि विपन्नदीधितिरपि प्राणेषु गच्छत्स्वपि ।
किं जीर्णं तृणमत्ति मानमहतामग्रेसर:रः केशरी ॥
Even feeble in hunger, emaciated in old age,
Lacking in vigour and fallen in pitiable stage,
With all glamour gone and put to risk of life
Does the lion, the best of all dignified animals
Intent on tearing the enormous trunk of the elephant
(Intoxicated and gigantic) eats worn out grass!
असमानविशेषणमपि यत्र समानेतिवृत्तमुपेयम् ।
उक्तेन गम्यते परमनुमानेनेति सान्योक्तिः ॥ रु. का. ८.७४
सामान्ये प्रस्तुते तदन्यस्य विशेषस्य, विशेषे सामान्यस्य, कार्ये कारणस्य, कारणे कार्यस्य,
सदृशे सदृशस्य चान्यस्य प्रस्तुतस्य उक्तिरभिघानमन्योक्तिः । हे. का. ६.१२०
अपह्नुतिः Apahnutiḥ : Concealment :
apa √hnu ti <ktin=apanhuti literally means denial, concealment or dis-
appearance. When an object proposed to be described (technically
known as upameya or prakṛta) by the poet and closely related with
some other object (known as the object of comparison ie upamāna
or aprakṛta) is first denied or concealed and then the object com-
pared to it is artistically established, the figure is called Apahnuti.
Here such concealment or denial expressed in a very charming way
is made either by a particular word or words or by complete state-
ment. The standard of comparison is established as real; but the
since the former shows unanimity of adjective phrases while the lat-
ter bears no such peculairity.
eg 1. kṣutkṣāmo'pi jarākṛśo'pi śithilaprāṇo'pi kaṣṭām daśām
apanno'pi vipannadidhitir api praneṣu gacchatsvapi.
kiṃ jirṇaṃ tṛṇam atti mānamahatām agresaraḥ keśarī.
क्षुत्क्षामोऽपि जराकृशोऽपि शिथिलप्राणोऽपि कष्टां दशाम्
आपन्नोऽपि विपन्नदीधितिरपि प्राणेषु गच्छत्स्वपि ।
किं जीर्णं तृणमत्ति मानमहतामग्रेस
Even feeble in hunger, emaciated in old age,
Lacking in vigour and fallen in pitiable stage,
With all glamour gone and put to risk of life
Does the lion, the best of all dignified animals
Intent on tearing the enormous trunk of the elephant
(Intoxicated and gigantic) eats worn out grass!
असमानविशेषणमपि यत्र समानेतिवृत्तमुपेयम् ।
उक्तेन गम्यते परमनुमानेनेति सान्योक्तिः ॥ रु. का. ८.७४
सामान्ये प्रस्तुते तदन्यस्य विशेषस्य, विशेषे सामान्यस्य, कार्ये कारणस्य, कारणे कार्यस्य,
सदृशे सदृशस्य चान्यस्य प्रस्तुतस्य उक्तिरभिघानमन्योक्तिः । हे. का. ६.१२०
अपह्नुतिः Apahnutiḥ : Concealment :
apa √hnu ti <ktin=apanhuti literally means denial, concealment or dis-
appearance. When an object proposed to be described (technically
known as upameya or prakṛta) by the poet and closely related with
some other object (known as the object of comparison ie upamāna
or aprakṛta) is first denied or concealed and then the object com-
pared to it is artistically established, the figure is called Apahnuti.
Here such concealment or denial expressed in a very charming way
is made either by a particular word or words or by complete state-
ment. The standard of comparison is established as real; but the