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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
साध्यसाधननिर्देशस्त्वनुमानमुदीर्यते । प्र. य. ४४७

अनुमानं तु विच्छित्या ज्ञानं साध्यस्य साधनात् । सा. १०

हेतोरर्थप्रतीतिरनुमानम् । वा. का. ६

साध्यसाधनसद्भावेऽनुमानमनुमानवत् । अ. कौ. ८.२६०

अनुमितिकरणमनुमानम् । र. २

Anyadeśatvam : Dislocation :

It is an uncommon figure which is not different from Vibhāvanā

and Viseșśeṣokti. It is anya deśa (tva) 'the state of different location.'

When the cause and effect are found to be in separate location or

one type of cause gives another type of effect or the causal agent

and the actual doer undergo different types of action, it is

Anyadesatva. (For example see Vibhāvanā or Višeşśeṣokti)


प्रयोज्यप्रयोजकयोर्वैयधिकरण्यमन्यदेशत्वम् । अ. शे. ४.४

Anyonyam: Reciprocal :

anya anya literally means mutual, reciprocal, between each other. When

two objects reciprocally act on each other, the figure is called

Anyonya. Such figurative expression is based on matter-of-fact logi-

cal relation (loka-nyaāya). Here the two propositions (ie prastuta and

aprastuta) based on the relation of similitude become mutually
highlighted by a single action and their reciprocal relation signifies

highlighted by a single action and their reciprocal relation signifies
some kind of qualitative upgrading for both of them.

eg 1. tvayā sā šobhate tanviī taya tvamapi sobhase.
rajanyā šobhate candraśaḥ candrenāpi nišithini.
त्वया सा शोभते तन्वी / तया त्वमपि शोभसे ।

रजन्या शोभते चन्द्रश: / चन्देणापि निशिथिनी ॥

The slender beauty shines by thee

Thou too shineth in her company;

The night shines by moon-light

And by the moon also shines the night.
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