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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
vinibaddhāñjalir ekameva yāce.
janir astu kule kṛṣībalānām api
प्रणिपत्य वि
जनिरस्तु कुले कृषीबलानामपि गोविन्दपदारविन्दभाजाम् ॥
O Lord, bending down before thee,
With folded hands, I beg only one thing for me -
May I be born again in the line of the farmers
Who adore the lotus-feet of the Almighty.
Here in the same vein the devotee expresses his cherished
hope before the Almighty for his favour by granting him rebirth in
the line of the cultivators so that he might be able to adore Him as
his family deity. Therefore, to him a rebirth, even in a not so
reputed family, is welcome for the sake of God's grace which, it is
traditionally believed, always flows towards the poor and down-
trodden unconditionally.
दोषस्याभ्यर्थनानुज्ञा गुणदर्शनात् । कु. १७७
उत्कटगुणविशेषलालसया दोषत्वेन प्रसिद्धस्यापि वस्तुनः प्रार्थनमनुज्ञा । र. २
अनुप्रासः Anuprāsaḥ : A
anu prāsa
of speech, denotes repetition or recurrence of one or more than
one consonantal syllable or sound. Anuprāsa is basically harmo-
nious concordance of consonantal sound; such concordance of
vowel and consonantal sound is Yamaka and when it is total concor-
of vowels is not treated as Anuprāsa because such repetition does
not produce harmonious sound effect as consonant or consonant
clusters do. Repetition of consonants, however, means notable
sound-effect of consonants matched with vowels or consonant-
vowel g
of speech, denotes repetition or recurrence of one or more than
one consonantal s
nious concordance of consonantal sound; such concordance of
vowel and consonantal sound is Yamaka and when it is total concor-
dance, it is Yamaka, but when it is partial, it is Anuprāsa. Repetition
of vowels is not treated as Anuprāsa because such repetition does
not produce harmonious sound effect as consonant or consonant
clusters do. Repetition of consonants, however, means notable
sound-effect of consonants matched with vowels or consonant-
vowel groups. So repetition may occur with one consonant or con-
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