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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
यत् स्यादतिशयोक्तिः । अ.कौ. ८.२५७
विषयिणा विषयस्य निगरणमतिशयोक्ति: । र. २
अप्रकृतेन निगीर्णे साध्यवसानाश्रयात् प्रकृते ।
प्रकृतस्यान्यथात्वोक्तौ यद्यैवं स्यात्तथापत्तौ ॥
स्याज्जन्यजनकपौर्वापर्यत्यागश्च सा त्वतिशयोक्तिः ॥ अ. कौ. २६
3ryf: Atyuktiḥ : Exaggeration :
This is ati ukti (√vac kti < ktin). The prefix ati means very, too, very
much, exceedingly, excessively (with adjectives and adverbs) and with
verbs it means over, beyond etc; ukti is statement or expression. So the
figure Atyukti is an exaggerated statement about commendable
things (like heroic achievements, uncommon qualities, noble
virtues or exaltation of someone or something in any form through
fanciful over-estimation. Though the terms atyukti and atiśayokti
give the same meaning yet these two figures are different in con-
tention. But it has to be admitted that unlike Atyukti the scope of
Atiśayokti is very wide. So Atyukti has been admitted by a few only
and most of the scholars consider it as a variety of Atisayokti.
eg 1. tvayi dātari rājendra / yācakāḥ kalpaśākhinaḥ. ´
त्वयि दातरि राजेन्द / याचका: कल्पशाखिनः ।
O king of kings, you being the donor
Innumerable are the petitioners.
The verse acclaims the bounty of the great king with much
अत्युक्तिरद्भुतातथ्यशौर्यादिवर्णनम् । च. ५.२२२, कु. ६३.२६३
Adhikam : Exceeding :
adhi ka literally means more, additional, surpassing, excessive, redun-
dant, abundant etc. The figure Adhika occurs under the following
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