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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
Ruyyaka explains that mere statement of facts or description of

nature may not be charming, therefore, Svabhāvokti is poetically

charming description of the actions of children, women birds, ani-

mals etc who are, by nature, very attractive, effective and pleasing

to all under normal circumstances. For example such statement

includes the common natural phenomena like the timidity of the

deer, bashfulness of girls, simplicity of children, ferocity of beasts etc.

This figure is otherwise known as Vārta or Jāti. It is one
of the oldest figur

of the oldest figure
s in rhetoric. Dandṇḍin has made a very broad divi-
sion of alam

sion of alaṃ
karas into two sets- Svabhāvokti and Vakrokti (Natural

Description and Artistic Representation). Bhoja adds one more to

it and that is Rasokti (Suggestive Expression). Svabhāvokti, accord-

ing to Dandṇḍin, is preferable to all classes of poets, but contrarily

Bhamaha and Kuntaka give all credit to Vakrokti in poetic

diction and value it as the basic principle inherent in all figurative

drumāḥ sapuṣpāḥ salilam sapadmam
ṃ sapadmaṃ
striyaḥ sakāmāḥ pavanaḥ sugandhiḥ.

sukhāḥ pradoṣā divasāsśca ramyāḥ

priya cãrutaraam vasante.
e cārutaraṃ vasante.
द्रुमाः सपुष्पाः सलिलं सपद्मं / स्त्रिय:यः सकामा:माः पवन:नः सुगन्धिः ।

सुखा:खाः प्रदोषा दिवसाश्च रम्याः / सर्वं प्रिये चारुतरं वसन्ते ॥

Trees appear in full bloom, waters lotus-fragrant,

Women full of love, breeze soothing,

Evenings charming, days pleasant,

Sweet love, everything is decent in spring.


यथास्वरूपकथनं स्वभावोक्तिः प्रकीर्तिता ।

यथास्वरूपकथनं वार्तेति परिकीर्तितम् ॥ वि. १४.११

नानावस्थं पदार्थानां रूपं साक्षाद् विवृण्वती ।

स्वभावोक्तिश्च जातिश्चेताद्या सालंकृतिर्यथा ॥ का. २.८

अर्थस्य तदवस्थत्वं स्वभावोऽभिहितः । भा. का. २.९३

स्वभाव एव भावानां स्वरूपमभिधीयते । अ. ३४४.३
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