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(ii) doubt with certainty : Here doubt remains at first, but
afterwards such doubt is removed, but even then
another kind of doubt crops up.
(iii) doubt totally removed by certainty : Here all doubts are
ultimately removed and some sort of certainty is finally
arrived at.
Daṇḍin does not recognise
Sandehnh :a as a separate figure of
speech but considers it as a variety of Simile (ie
(ii) doubt with certaintv Here doubt remains at first, but
afterwards such doubt is removed, but even then
another kind of doubt crops up.
(iii) doubt totally removed by cretainty : Here all doubts are
ultimately removed and some sort of certainty is finally
arrived at.
Dandin does not recognise
ful Sandeha as a separate figure of
speech but considers it as a variety of Simile (ie Doubtful Simile or
imile or
Sandeha upamā)

eg 1. pankajam vā sudhāṁ sṃ śur vetyasmākam na nirnṃ na nirṇayaḥ.

पंकजं वा सुधांशुर्वेत्यस्माकं न निर्णयः ।

Is it ( her face her face) a lotus or the moon
This we cannot ascertain.

eg 2. asyāḥ sarga-vidhau prajāpatir abhüūccandro nu kānti-pradaḥ

śrṛṅgāraika-rasaḥ svayam nu madano māso nu puṣpākaraḥ.

अस्याः सर्गविधौ प्रजापतिरभूच्चन्द्रो नु कान्तिप्रदः

शृङ्गारैकरसः स्वयं नु मदनो मासो नु पुष्पाकरः ॥

Was it God, the creator, who created her ?

Was it moon, the beauty-bestower?

Was it Cupid himself, Love incarnate ?

Was it the month of spring to rejuvenate?


वस्तुनि यत्रैकस्मिन्ननेकविषयस्तु भवति संदेहः ।

प्रतिपत्तुः सादृश्यादनिश्चयः संशयः स इति ॥

उपमेये सदसंभवि विपरीतं वा तथोपमानोऽपि ।

यत्र स निश्चयगर्भस्त तोपरो निश्चयान्तोऽन्यः ॥

यत्रानेकार्थे संदेहस्त्वेककारकत्वागतः ।

स्यादेकत्वगतो वा सादृश्यात्संशयः सोऽन्य ॥ रु. का. ८.५९,६१,६५

अर्थयोरतिसादृश्याद् यत्र दोलायते मनः ।

तमेकानेकविषयं कवयः संशयं विदुः ॥ स. ४.४१

इदमेतदिदं वेति <flag>साम्याद्बुिद्धिर्हि</flag> संशयः ।

हेतुभिर्निश्चयः सोऽपि निश्चयान्तः स्मृतो यथा ॥ वा. ४.७९

सादृश्यात्प्रतिपत्तुः संशय: ससंदेहः । वा. का. ३
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