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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
2. Commixture of Vibhāvanā and Visesokti :
yaḥ kaumāraharaḥ sa eva hi varas tā eva caitra-kṣapās
te conmilita-mālati-surabhayah praudhāh kadambāvnilah.
să caivāsmi tathāpi tatra surata-vyāpāra-lilāvidhau
revărodhasi vetasa-tarutale cetaḥ samutkanthate.
यः कौमारहरः स एव हि वरस्ताएव चैत्रक्षपास्
ते चोन्मीलित-मालतीसुरभयः प्रौढ़ाः कदम्बानिलाः ।
सा चैवास्मि तथापि तत्र सुरतव्यापारलीलाविधौ
रेवारोधसि वेतसतरुतले चेतः समुत्कण्ठते ॥
The same he who stole my maidenhood is my husband,
Just the same are the nights of spring,
Same old breezes fragrant by pollens of målati blowing
from kadamba trees; I too the same,
Still by Revā-narrows beneath the cane
Oh! for the game love phantasies
Wistful wistful grows the heart.
In the second example the beloved lady expresses her aston-
ishement because she asserts that all the causes (such as the pres-
ence of the same lover, nights of spring, scented breeze etc.) for
arousing intense love between them (ie the present lady and her
husband) are very much apparent, but still she does not experi-
ence any such romantic feeling which she enjoyed with the same
man (as her lover but not her husband). She has rather a strange
feeling because she strongly desires the experience of such roman-
tic love enjoyed during her pre-marital rendezvous.
नानालंकारसंसृष्टे संसृष्टिस्तु निगद्यते। का. २.३५९
वराभिभूषा संसृष्टिर्बह्वलंकारयोगतः ।
रचिता रत्नमालेव सा चैवमुदाहृता यथा ॥ भा. का. ४९
अलंकृतीनां बह्वीनां द्वयोर्वापि समाश्रयः ।
एकस्य निरपेक्षानां मिथ: संसृष्टिरुच्यते ॥ अ. सं. ६.९
अलंकारस्यालंकारयोनित्वं संसृष्टि: । का. सू. ४.३.३०
संसृष्टिरिति विज्ञेया सर्वालंकारसंकरः ।
तिलतण्डुलवद् व्यक्ता छायादर्शवदेव च ॥
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