2023-02-15 09:59:29 by ambuda-bot
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Visesah : Distinction
thing, absent in its proper location, is being represented as present
simultaneously in many other locations, it is styled as Viseșa. Here
the poet's statement signifies a kind of distinction or qualitative
difference in more than one way:
(i) something dependent on any other thing is prescribed or
represented or enjoined as existing without it,
one particular thing represented as being present in its
original nature in many other things simultaneously,
(iii) somebody while engaged in doing something repre-
sented as accomplishing something which is unlikely of
eg grhini saciva sakhī mithaḥ priyasiṣyā lalite kalāvidhāu.
karunā-vimukhena mṛtyunā harata tvām vada kimna me hrtam.
गृहिणी सचिवः सखी मिथः प्रियशिष्या ललिते कलाविधौ ।
करुणाविमुखेन मृत्युना हरता त्वां वद किं न मे हृतम् ॥
She was my mistress, my counsellor, companion,
In lessons of fine arts, my dearest devotee,
By pityless Death snatched as she is -
What has not been robbed off, Oh! tell me.
In the verse, Kālidāsa expresses how the king, at the sudden death
of his beloved queen, laments thus focussing her distinct virtues in
different stages of his life.
किंचिदवश्याभिधेयं यस्मिन्नभिधीयते निराधारम् ।
तादृगुपलभ्यमानं विज्ञेयोऽसौ विशेष इति ॥
यत्रैकमनेकस्मिन्नाधारे वस्तुविद्यमानतया ।
युगपदभिधीयतेऽसावत्रान्यः स्याद्विशेष इति ॥
यत्रान्यत्कुर्वाणो युगपत्कार्यान्तरं च कुर्वीत ।
कर्तुमशक्यं कर्ता विज्ञेयोऽसौ विशेषोऽन्यः ॥ रु. का. ६.५, ७, ६
विना प्रसिद्धमाधारमाधेयस्य व्यवस्थितिः ।
एकात्मा युगपद् वृत्तिरेकस्यानेकगोचरा
अन्यत् प्रकुर्वतः कार्यमशक्यस्यान्यवस्तुनः ।
तथैव करणं चेति विशेषस्त्रिविधः स्मृतः ॥ का. प्र. १०.२०३
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विशेषः । अ. स. ५१
Original from
thing, absent in its proper location, is being represented as present
simultaneously in many other locations, it is styled as Viseșa. Here
the poet's statement signifies a kind of distinction or qualitative
difference in more than one way:
(i) something dependent on any other thing is prescribed or
represented or enjoined as existing without it,
one particular thing represented as being present in its
original nature in many other things simultaneously,
(iii) somebody while engaged in doing something repre-
sented as accomplishing something which is unlikely of
eg grhini saciva sakhī mithaḥ priyasiṣyā lalite kalāvidhāu.
karunā-vimukhena mṛtyunā harata tvām vada kimna me hrtam.
गृहिणी सचिवः सखी मिथः प्रियशिष्या ललिते कलाविधौ ।
करुणाविमुखेन मृत्युना हरता त्वां वद किं न मे हृतम् ॥
She was my mistress, my counsellor, companion,
In lessons of fine arts, my dearest devotee,
By pityless Death snatched as she is -
What has not been robbed off, Oh! tell me.
In the verse, Kālidāsa expresses how the king, at the sudden death
of his beloved queen, laments thus focussing her distinct virtues in
different stages of his life.
किंचिदवश्याभिधेयं यस्मिन्नभिधीयते निराधारम् ।
तादृगुपलभ्यमानं विज्ञेयोऽसौ विशेष इति ॥
यत्रैकमनेकस्मिन्नाधारे वस्तुविद्यमानतया ।
युगपदभिधीयतेऽसावत्रान्यः स्याद्विशेष इति ॥
यत्रान्यत्कुर्वाणो युगपत्कार्यान्तरं च कुर्वीत ।
कर्तुमशक्यं कर्ता विज्ञेयोऽसौ विशेषोऽन्यः ॥ रु. का. ६.५, ७, ६
विना प्रसिद्धमाधारमाधेयस्य व्यवस्थितिः ।
एकात्मा युगपद् वृत्तिरेकस्यानेकगोचरा
अन्यत् प्रकुर्वतः कार्यमशक्यस्यान्यवस्तुनः ।
तथैव करणं चेति विशेषस्त्रिविधः स्मृतः ॥ का. प्र. १०.२०३
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विशेषः । अ. स. ५१
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