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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric

अनिष्टविधानं विध्याभासः । ए.२०.७५

अनिष्टस्य तथार्थस्य विध्याभासः परो मतः । सा. २०.६५

विनोक्तिः Vinoktiḥ
: VinoktiḥSpeech of Absence : Speech of Absence :

vinā ukti (√vac kti) literally means exclusive statement. Rhetorically

Vinokti is a figure in which an object in the absence of some other

object is represented as agreeable or disagreeable. Here the parti-
cle vină

cle vinā
(meaning exclusion or absence of something) may be

directly used or its sense may be implied. This figure is a statement

of poetic affirmation through negation or it is a kind of negative

approach for a positive assertion. Here the object of description is

by nature fair or agreeable by itself, but it is poetically represented

as unfair or disagreeable due to the absence of some other object or

thing. Vinokti is just the opposite of Sahokti in form and meaning.

eg 1. vinayena vinā kā śrīḥ / kā niśā śašinā vināśinā vinā ?

rahitā sat-kavitvena / kīdṛśī vāg-vidaghatādhatā ?

विनयेन विना का श्रीः / का निशा शशिना विना ।

रहिता सत्कवित्वेन / कीदृशी वाग्विदग्धता

What is beauty-
If it is without modesty?

What is a night
If it is without moonlight?
What is a nightelegance of diction -
If it is without moonlightbereft of poetic imagination?
What is elegance of diction -
If it is bereft of poetic imagination?
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2. nirarthakam janma gatam nalinyā
ṃ nalinyā
na dṛṣṭam tuhināmṃ tuhināṃśu-bimbam.

utpattir indorapi niṣphalaiva
drstā vinidrā nalini

dṛṣṭā vinidrā nalinī
na yena.

निरर्थकं जन्म गतं नलिन्या / यया न दृष्टं तुहिनांशुबिम्बम् ।

उत्पत्तिरिन्दोरपि निष्फलैव / दृष्टा विनिद्रा नलिनी न येन ॥
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