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Vicitram : The Queer
vi citra means strange, queer, wonderful, astonishing, variegated etc.
Vicitram : The Queer :
vi citra means strange, queer, wonderful, astonishing, variegated etc.
is a figure of sense where someone is repre-
sented as doing something that is opposite to what he actu
desires through it. It is called
Vicitra is a figure of sense where someone is reprbecause here we find that some-
sented as doing something that is opposite to what he actually
desires through it. It is called Vicitra because here we find that some-
thing strage is happening and thus creating a sense of wonder for it.

thing strage is happening and thus creating a sense of wonder for it.
Appayya defines it very clearly. The whole idea of the statement,

according to him, appears to be opposite to one's efforts in relation

to one's attainments for some higher interest. Jayaratha informs us

that it is Ruyyaka who defines the figure for the first time. Mammaţa
includes it in Vişāda, but there are others who think that it is simply a

variety of Visama. But Viswanaśwanātha and others have tried to differenti-

ate Vicitra from Vişama on the following point
ṣama on the following points:
(i) firstly the relation of cause and effect is not very

prominent in Vicitra unlike Vișama and
ṣama and
(ii) secondly Vicitra shows some sort of personal effort

for the benefit of a good result, while in Vișama the
ṣama the
effect is found to be operated out of its own

eg 1. namanti santas trailokyäādapi labdhum parām samunnatim.
ṃ samunnatim.
नमन्ति सन्तस्त्रैलोक्यादपि लब्धंधुं परां समुन्नतिम् ।

Even the pious stoop too low

To obtain the highest dignity in heaven, earth and below.

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स्वविपरीतफलनिष्पत्तये प्रयत्नो विचित्रम् । अ. स. ४

विचित्रं चेत्प्रयत्नः स्याद्विपरीतफलप्रदः । च. ५.८०

कारणविपरीतफलोत्पत्तौ यत्नो विचित्रमित्युक्तम्। ए. ८.३६

विचित्रं स्वविरुद्धस्य फलप्राप्त्यर्थमुद्यमः । प्र. य. ४२४

विचित्रं तद् विरुद्धस्य कृतिरिष्टफलाय चेत् । सा. १०.७१

विचित्रं तत्प्रयत्नश्चेद्विपरीतः फलेच्छया । कु. ४०.६४

इष्टसिद्ध्यर्थमिष्टैषिणा क्रियमाणविपरीताचरणं विचित्रम् । र. २
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