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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
लेशो लेशेन निर्भिन्नवस्तुरूपनिगूहनम् । का. १.२६४

दोषभावो यस्मिन् गुणस्य दोषस्य वा गुणीभावः ।

अभिधीयते तथाविधकर्मनिमित्तः स लेशः स्यात् ॥ रु. का. ७.१००

दोषस्य यो गुणीभावो दोषीभावो गुणस्य च ।

स लेश: स्यात् ... ॥ स. ४.५८

कार्यतो गुणदोषविपर्ययो लेशः । वा. का. ३

लेशः स्याद्दोषगुणयोर्गुणदोषत्वकल्पनम् । कु. ७२.१३८

गुणस्यानिष्टसाधनतया दोषत्वेनन दोषस्येष्टसाधनतया गुणत्वेन च वर्णनं

लेश: । र. २

वक्रोक्तिः Vakroktiḥ
: VakroktiḥInnuendo : Innuendo:

vakra ukti (√vac kti <ktin) literally means an ambiguous or charming

or twisted or artful expression or statement, a kind of exaggeration by any

twisted way of expression, or a covert expression of something else than

what is expressed by word or words. As a figure of speech Vakrokti con-

sists in the use of evasive speech or expression either by means of

Ślesa (Pun) or by change of tone (kāku). Most of the rhetoricians

like Dandṇḍin, Bhāmianaha, Rudraṭa, Viśvanātha did not define it but

praised it as an important figure as well as an ideal device of liter-

ary expression for the poets.

Daṇḍin remarks that paronomastic expression (Śleșa) enhances

the beauty of all figurative speech with Vakrokti. Bhāmaha says that

Vakrokti has to be applied in all classes of literary language and its

charm is wholesomely agreeable in poetic device. He also pre-

scribes that each and every poet should sincerely use Vakrokti and

remarks that this device is the basic principle lying in all poetic

expressions. Vāmana defines it as lakṣaṇā or extended denotation, that

implies something more than what is expressed (for example simho
navakaḥ ie The boy is a lion). Therefore, in his opinion, many

famous figures such as Rūpaka (Metaphor), Parināma,

(Commutation), Samāsokti (Personification), Diīpaka (Illuminator) as

well as all cases of lakṣaṇā (or the extraordinary sense implied by
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