2023-03-29 15:00:53 by ramamurthys
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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
former such extreme likeness occurs through the quality of poetic
image, while in the latter it is simply due to the quality of action
There are three principal divisions of Rūpaka:
i) complete in all parts,
ii) partial and
iii) consequential.
iii) consequential.
eties, still he refers to some of the popular and common varieties:
a) Rūpaka based on contrast (viruddha),
b) based on incompatibility (vi
c) based on cause (hetu),
d) based on superior or inferior quality (vyatireka),
e) based on perfect similitude (upamā-rūpaka),
f) based on perfect super-imposition (rūpaka-rūpaka)
g) based on paronomasia (śleṣa-r
h) based on particular word/words (
i) based on special meaning (artha-pradhāna),
eg 1.
based on special word and meaning (sabdart
candramā piyate devair mayā tu tvanmukha-candramā.
चन्द्रमा पीयते देवैर् मया तु त्वन्मुखचन्द्रमा ।
Gods drink nectar of the moon
While I drink the moon-face of thine.
2. aya
kāmāgniḥ praṇayendhanaḥ.
narāṇāṃ yatra hūyante
yauvanāni dhanāni ca.
अयं च सुरतज्वालः / कामाग्निः प्रणयेन्धनः ।
नराणां यत्र हूयन्ते / यौवनानि धनानि च ॥
Love is a flame ignited by lust,
A fire flamed by passion,
Wherein the offerings are just-
The youth and the wealth of man.
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