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On the occasion of the King's corronation
The golden pitcher from the hands of the lady dropped on;
Intoxicated she was, and it fell on the stairs
Making a sound ṭha-ṭhaṃ ṭha-ṭhaṃ ṭhaṃ
Ṭha-ṭha-ṭhaṃ ṭha-ṭhaṃ ṭhaḥ
रत्नावली Ratnāvalī : Necklace :
ratna gem, āvalī bunch, and the word ratnāvalī means a necklace
made of gems. When the special qualities of the subject in hand (ie
prastuta) are attributed to some other (ie aprastuta), it is rhetori-
cally known as Ratnāvalī.
eg 1. caturāsyaḥ patir lakṣmyāḥ
sarvajñas tvaṃ mahīpate.

चतुरास्यः पतिर्लक्ष्म्याः / सर्वज्ञस्त्वं महीपते ।

The consort of Lakṣmi is the four-mouthed deity,
While you are, O king, the omniscient sovereignty.
क्रमिकं प्रकृतार्थानां न्यासं रत्नावलीं विदुः । कु. ३४.२८०

रूपकम् Rūpakam : Metaphor :
It is √rūp (to impose, to imitate, to form, to represent) aka (<ṇvul) or rūpa
ka. The word rūpa literally means form, figure, appearance, specimen,
pattern, essence, grace, beauty, elegance etc. Rūpaka is Metaphor (meta
beyond, phero I carry). As a figure of speech Rūpaka is complete
identification between two or total superimposition of one on the
other. Such identity happens due to very close resemblance
between the objects having comparison. In such expression, the
subject of discussion (ie upameya or the object of comparison) is
represented as completely identical with some other object (ie
upamāna or the standard of comparison).

Therefore, it is Rūpaka--
(i) when the upameya is equal to upamana or