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The figures like Militam : Reconciliation
īlita, Sāmānya and The fiadgures like Milita, Sämänya and Tadguna bear one com-

mon feature ie non-perception of the difference between the two

objects or their qualities. Therefore, the question arises whether

such figures should be brought under one figure. Bhoja remarks

that Pihita, Apihita, Tadguṇa and Atadguṇa should be included in

Miīlita. But Jagannātha observes that each of these has its own basic

identity and creates its own shade of beauty. So he remarks if these

figures are broadly identified as identical then there would be no

difference among Rupaka, Pariņāma and Atisayokti, or between
Prativastupamā and Nidarśanā. Ruyyaka says that Sāmānya is not
identical with Milita since in the former the qualities of both are
concealed while in the latter the qualities of the less prominent are
concealed through supersession.
Milita is also different from
Rūpaka and Bhr, Pariṇāntima and Atiśayokti, or between
n. In and Nidarśanā. Ruyyaka says that Sāmānya is not
identical with Mīlita since in the former the qualities of both are
concealed while in the latter the qualities of the less prominent are
concealed through supersession.
Mīlita is also different from
Rūpaka and Bhrāntimān. In Rūpaka,

there is total identity between similar objects, but in Miīlita, no such

identification is witnessed. In Bhräntimäāntimān, one object is mistakenly

identified as another on account of close similarity between them,

but in Militīlita no such mistake crops up.
eg 1.raso n
ā no such mistake crops up.
eg 1. raso nāl
lakṣi lākṣāyāś caraṇe sahajārune.
रसो नालक्षि लाक्षायाश् चरणे सहजारुणे ।

The colour of lac-dye could not be known,

As her feet, by nature, were crimson.


तन्मीलितमिति यस्मिन्समानचिह्वेन हर्षकोपादि ।

अपरेण तिरस्क्रियते नित्येनागन्तुकेनापि ॥ रु. का. ६.१०६

वस्त्वन्तरतिरस्कारो वस्तुना मीलितं स्मृतम् । स. ३.४०

समेन लक्ष्मणा वस्तु वस्तुना यन्त्रिगूनिगृह्यते ।

निजोनागन्तुना वापि तन्मीलितमिति स्मृतम् ॥ का. प्र. १०.१६७

वस्तुना वस्त्वन्तरनिगूहनं मीलितम् । अ. स. ७१

मीलितं बहुसादृश्योद्भेद एव न लक्ष्यते । च. ५.३४

स्वाभाविकमागन्तुकमथवा वस्त्वन्तरं तिरोधत्ते ।

यस्मिन् किञ्चन वस्तु ज्ञेयं तन्मीलितं द्विविधम् ॥ ए. ८.६३

व्याजोक्त्युत्तरं किंचित्साम्यान्मीलनमुच्यते ।
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