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Tulyayogita: Equal Matching
। प्र. य. ४१५

तद्गुणः स्वगुणत्यागादत्युत्कृष्टगुणग्रहः । सा. १०, कु. ७५.१४२

यत्र वस्तु स्वगुणमुत्सृज्यान्यगुणयोगात्तद्गुणतामेति स तद्गुणः । वा. का. ३

स्वगुणं त्यक्त्वा प्रगुणस्य समीपगम् ।

तस्यैव गुणमादत्ते यद्वस्तु स्यात् स तद्गुणः ॥ अ. कौ. ८.३१६

स्वगुणत्यागुपूर्वकं स्वसन्निहितवस्त्वन्तरसंबन्धिगुणग्रहणं तद्गुण: । र. २

Tulyayogitā : Equal Matching :

tulya means equal, similar, identical, yogitā means the state of mutual

combination, joining, association. Tulyayogitā simply means equal pair-

ing or identical matching by a common property or attribute. In rhetorical

use, it is a kind of poetical expression which shows the combina-

tion of two or more objects, mutually relevant or irrelevant, co-

related or not, with one and the same attribute in the form of qual-

ity or action. Such combination of things is really intended to focus

an idea of praise or blame on either of the two sides. The very

name of the figure signifies its sense ie tulyayoga or association of

two or more by identical quality.

Other features of the figure are as follows:

(i) The objects or things combined by some identical quality

may be mutually relevant or irrelevant, co-related or not,

ie. the relation of upameya and upamāna or prastuta

aprastuta or prakṛta and aprakṛta may exist or not.

(ii) Co-relation or combination is made possible by some
attribute applicable to both.

attribute applicable to both.
(iii) Though the idea of similitude is present here yet it is

always implied.

Kuntaka criticises the views mentioned above and concludes

that Tulyayogita should not be accepted as a separate figure since

the different varieties of it fall under Upamā or Nidarśanā.

eg 1. samkucanti sarojāni svairiņī-vadanāni ca.

संकुचन्ति सरोजानि स्वैरिणीवदनानि च ।

The lotuses as well as the faces of the wanton women

are closing up.
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