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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
subject of discussion) is represented as inferior to that which bor-

rows (ie the standard of comparison).

Tadguna, Milita and Sämäāmānya have close resemblance among

them since the difference between the referent and the non-refer-

ent is never given prominence in all of them. Still there is some dif-

ference in quality. In Milita, one object is completely overshadowed

by the other. In Sāmānya, two objects appear identical due to their

basic features or qualities. Tadguṇa is also different from Bhränti
due to the fact that in the latter one thing is mistakenly accepted as

the other. Jagannātha says that close similarity, as we find in such

kāras, also occurs in many other figures too (for example

Rūpaka, Pariņāma and Atiśayokti) due to the quality of non-differ-

ence (abheda) between the object of comparison and standard of

comparison; but all these have been recognised as separate

kāras from the point of view that in each case there is a special

kind of poetic charm in the expression.

eg 1. padma-rāgāyate nāsāmauktikam te'dhara-tviṣā.

पद्मरागायते नासामौक्तिकं तेऽधरत्विषा ।

Like a ruby thy nose-top set with pearl shines

Through the lustre of thy reddish lips.

Here the rosy lips of the damsel compared to ruby appear too

close to be identified separately. The similitude between the two

has been so finely expressed that the lips of the young lady (ie the

upameya) and gem-set nose-top (ie the upamāna) have been closely

knit together due to their quality of redhue lustre.


यस्मिन्नेकगुणानामर्थानां योगलक्ष्यरूपाणाम् ।

संर्गे नानात्वं न लक्ष्यते तद्गुणः स इति ॥

असमानगुणं यस्मिन्नतिबहुलगुणेन वस्तुना वस्तु ।

संसृष्टं तद्गुणतां धत्तेऽन्यस्तद्गुणः स इति ॥ रु. का. ६.२२,२४

स्वमुत्सृज्य गुणं योगादत्युज्ज्वलगुणस्य यत् ।

वस्तु तद्गुणतामेति भण्यते स तु तद्गुणः ॥ का. प्र. १०

स्वगुणत्यागादत्युकृष्टगुणस्वीकारस्तद्गुणः । अ. स. ७३

तद्गुणः स्वगुणत्यागादन्यतः स्वगुणोदयः । च. ४.६८

अधिकगुणाङ्गीकरणं स्वगुणत्यागेन तद्गुणः कथितः। ए. ८.६५
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