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tively implies a person as clever as a serpent and hence a gallant, para-
mour or debauch etc.
छेकोक्तिर्यदि लोकोक्तेः स्यादर्थान्तरगर्भिता । कु. ६१.१५८
जातिः Jātiḥ : Natural Description :
The word jāti denotes a class, genus etc. This figure is otherwise
called Svabhāvokti. Rhetors like Rudraṭa, Bhoja, Vāgbhaṭa and
Hemacandra prefer the title Jāti while others call it Svabhāvokti.
The figure occurs in the following ways:
a) when one object is stated to be present in different condi-
tions due to its form, attributes, placement etc,
b) when some object is described in its natural position, behav-
iour, form, appearance etc.
But such description should be poetically beautiful as well as
agreeable and not vulgar or obscene in any way.
संस्थानावस्थानक्रियादि यद्यस्य यादृशं भवति
लोके चिरप्रसिद्धं तत्कथनमनन्यथा जाति:तिः ॥ रु.का. ७.३०
स्वभावाख्यानं जाति:तिः । हे. का. ६.१५
नानावस्थासु जायन्ते यानि रूपाणि वस्तुनः ।
स्वेभ्यः स्वेभ्यो निसर्गेभ्यस्तानि जातिं प्रचक्षते ॥
तत्र स्वरूपसंस्थानमवस्थानं तथैव च ।
वेशो व्यापार इत्यादेः प्रभेदैर्बहुधास्थितम् ॥ स ३.७
यथास्थितवस्तुवर्णनमग्राम्यं जाति:तिः । वा. का. ३
यस्य वस्तुनो यत्स्वभावता तदाख्यानं स्वभाव:वः । अ. शे. ४.४
तद्गुणः Tadguṇaḥ : Borrower :
Tad means the thing or person concerned, guna is merit or quality. As a
figure of speech Tadguṇa is the acceptance or borrowing of other's
qualities after giving up one's own. When two different objects can-
not be separately identified due to some qualitative similitude
between them, it is known as Tadguṇa. Here the borrower (ie. the