2023-03-15 12:50:51 by ramamurthys
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पूर्वं पूर्वं प्रति यदा हेतुः स्यादुत्तरोत्तरम् ।
तदा कारणमालाख्यमलंकरणमुच्यते ॥ प्र. य. ४६६
परं परं प्रति यदा पूर्व-पूर्वस्य हेतुता ।
तदा कारणमाला स्यात् । सा. १०
पूर्वस्योत्तरमुत्तरं प्रति हेतुत्वे कारणमाला । वा. का. ३
यथोत्तरं पूर्वर्पूहेतुकस्य तु हेतुता ।
तदा कारणमाला स्यात् । अ. कौ. ८.२६४
काव्यलिङ्गम् K
this linga or kāraṇa (ie cause) is quite different from the cause of the
matter-of-fact world. This ala
where one thing is uttered and on hearing this some other thing in
remembered or understood. According to Mamma
brings the knowledge of the s
inferred or concluded).
In logic there are three terms relating to inference (ie
pakṣa: the minor term or the subject of a syllogism,
sādhya: the major term, the predicate of a proposition,
hetu: middle term, the logical reason, reason for inference.
In general two types of cause (hetu) have been accepted
kāraka and jñāpaka. But Viśvanātha has given threefold division of
hetu: jñāpaka, ni
one is related to K
cussion) and the third one to Arth
Earlier rhetoricians (except Bhāmaha) did not recognise
similar to K
Bhāmaha does not find any logic in accepting Hetu as a figure of
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