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Ekavali: Chain
रसभावतदाभासभावशान्तिनिबन्धनाः ।

चत्वारो रसवत्प्रेय ऊर्जस्वि च समाहितम् ॥

रसाभास भावाभासश्च यत्रापरस्याङ्गं तदूर्जस्वि । कु. २३०
Üha 3

Ūha ऊह
: Doubt:

It is otherwise called Vitarka or Sambhāvanā. In Mimänsäṃānsā philoso-

phy, üūha is a technical term. In rhetoric, it is simply a poetic device

based on doubt in the form either this or that. Bhoja calls it Ūha,

while Appayya and Jayadeva named it Sambhāvanā.

ha is a kind of judgement either ending in doubt (sandehānta)

or in certainty (niścayānta). The first variety may be threefold in

nature ie. based on falsity, based on true idea or the mixture of

both. It is the same as Sandeha.


ऊहो वितर्क: सन्देहनिर्णयान्ताधिष्ठितः ।

तत्त्वानुपाती अतत्त्वानुपाती यश्चोभयात्मकः ।

स निर्र्ययान्त इतरो मिथ्यामिथ्योभयात्मकः ॥ स. ३.३९.४०

संभावनं यदीत्थं स्यादित्यूहोऽन्यप्रसिद्धये । च. ५.४६

संभावना यदीत्थं स्याद् ऊहोऽन्यस्य सिद्धये । कु. १२६

Ekáāvaliī : Chain :

The word ekáāvaliī (eka aāvaliī) literally means chain, repetition of the

same in successive order. As a figure of speech it belong to the class

of chain repetition (ie śrmṛṅkhalāmüūla). It was first introduced by

Rudrata and then recognised by most of the distinguished

Like Mālādīpaka Ekāvalī also exhibits a kind of reciprocal superi-

ority. But such superiority in Ekaāvaliī is always related to the latter one,

ie the former one always becomes less superior to the latter one.

eg 1. na tajjalam yanna sucārupankajam

na pankajam tat yadaliṃ tat yadalīna-şatpadam.
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