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Urjasvi : Speech of Eminence
king has been represented as a high profile personality due to his
valour, pleasing personality and other shining qualities.
एकस्यापि निमित्तवशादनेकधा ग्रहणमुल्लेखः । अ. स. २०
बहुभिर्बहुधोल्लेखादेकस्योल्लेखिता मता । च. ५.२३
यत्र ।
उल्लिख्यते स धीरैरुल्लेखः कथ्यतेऽन्वर्थः ॥ ए. ८.१०
अर्थ - योग - रुचि - श्लेषैरुल्लेखमनेकधा ।
ग्रहीतृभेदादेकस्य स उल्लेखः सतां मतः ॥ प्र. य. ३८२
क्वचिद् भेदाद् ग्रहीतृणां विषयाणां तथा क्वचित् ।
एकस्यानेकधोल्लेखो यः स उल्लेख उच्यते ॥ सा. १०.३७
निमित्तभेदादेकस्य वस्तुनो यदनेकधा ।
उल्लेखनमनेकेन तमुल्लेखं प्रचक्षते ॥ चि.
बहुभिर्बहुधोल्लेखादेकस्योल्लेख इष्यते । कु. ७।२२
ऊर्जस्वि Urjasvi : Speech of Eminence :
This figure belongs to the class of four special alamkāras (ie.
Rasavat, Preyas, Urajasvi and Samāhita). The word ūrjas means
energy, power, strength, valour etc. ūrjas vin= urjasvin denotes any-
thing with all such qualites.
According to Daṇḍin the alamkara Ürjasvi is an expression of
pride. When something is stated with vigour, pride or self-esteem
or spirit of eminence, it is Urjasvi. Other figures of this group like
Rasavat, Preyas are also based on totality of expression arousing any
kind of strong and assertive feelings like anger, heroism. The
alamkāras of this group are related to rasa (sentiments like love,
pathos, heroism ), bhāva (feelings like attachment to a person or
any object, anger, fear, astonishment), rasa-ābhāsa (improper
expression of rasa) and bhāva-ābhāsa (improper expression of feel-
ing ie. bhāva like attachment, sorrow, joy). According to another
group of rhetors Ürjasi occurs when there is an expression of senti-
ment or feeling which is improperly connected with the speaker.
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