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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
ally dependent on each other as a rule, appear to be independently


This figure has been defined by a few scholars like Rudrata and
ṭa and
Väāgbhata. According to most of the theorists it should be treated as

a variety of Arthaāntaranyāsa.

eg 1.
sakala-jagat-sādhāraņa-vibhavā bhuvi sādhavo'ʼdhunā viralāh.
santi kiyantas tarava suspḥ susvādu sugandhi-cāruphalāḥ.

सकलजगत्साधारणविभवा भुवि साधवोऽधुना विरलाः ।

सन्ति कियन्तस्तरवः सुस्वादुसुगन्धिचारुफलाः ॥

Under the sun the virtuous are but rare,

Who consdiider all high and low as treasure.

How many trees do there remain

Producing sweet, fragrant and beautiful fruits therein?


सामान्यावप्यर्थौ स्फुटमुपमायाः स्वरुपतोऽपेतौ ।

निर्दिश्येते यस्मिन्नुभयन्यासः स विज्ञेयः ॥ रु. का. ३

सामान्यं सामान्येन यत्समर्थ्यते स उभयन्यासः । वा. का. ३

पर्यायेण द्वयोस्तस्मिनुपमेयोपमा मता । प्र. य. ३६६; सा. १०

पर्यायेण द्वयोरेतदुपमेयोपमा मता ।

उपमानोपमेयत्वं द्वयोः पर्यायतो यदि ।

उपमेयोपमा सा स्यात् ॥ चि.

पर्यायेण द्वयोस्तच्चेदुपमेयोपमा मता। कु. ३.११

विपर्यास उपमेयोपमा द्वयोः (उपमानोपमेययोः) । अ. कौ. ८.२३४

तृतीयसदृशव्यवच्छेदबुद्धिफलकवर्णविषयीभूतं परस्परमुपमानोपमेयभाव-

मापन्नयोरर्थयोः सादृश्यं सुन्दरमपमेयोपमा । र. २

उल्लास: Ullāsah :Reflection :

ut √las (to shine, flash, sparkle, glitter) a (<ghan) = ullāsa means joy,

delight, splendour, flash, sparkle etc. When the merits or defects of a

thing or person are attributed to some other thing or person, the

figure of speech is called Ulläāsa. Here this attribution is made in

such a way that the merits or demirerits appear, as if, originally

belonging to one on whom they are attributed. This figure has
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