2023-02-15 09:59:11 by ambuda-bot
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Upamā: Simile
Bharata mentions only five varieties:
(a) Simile with eulogy (praśamsā),
Simile with censure (nindā),
(d) based on total resemblance (sadrsi),
Simile based on pure imagination (kalpitā),
(e) based on partial resemblance (kinchit sadṛsi).
Bharata admits that there are also may other varieties which
may be found from the usages of the poets.
Daṇḍin refers to twenty four classes of Upamā by the following
a. dharma-upamā: Qualitative Simile
b. vastu-upama : Objective Simile
c. viparyāsa-upamā: Reverse simile
d. anyonya-upamā: Reciprocal Simile
e. niyama-upamā: Regular Simile
f. aniyama-upama: Irregular Simile
g. samucchaya-upamă: Cluster Simile
h. atiśaya-upamā: Hyperbolic Simile
i. utprekṣā-upamă: Fanciful Simile
j. adbhuta-upamā: Strange Simile
k. moha-upamã: Illusive Simile
1. sleșa-upamā: Paronomastic Simile
m. samāna-upamă: Equal Simile
n. nindā-upamā: Censure Simile
o. Prasamsă-upamã: Eulogistic Simile
p. virodha-upamã: Contrast Simile
q. pratiṣedha-upamā: Negative Simile
r. cātu-upamā: Light Simile
s. tattvākhyāpana-upamā: philosophical Simile
t. bahu-upamā: Multiple Simile
u. vikriyā-upamā: Reactive Simile
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Bharata mentions only five varieties:
(a) Simile with eulogy (praśamsā),
Simile with censure (nindā),
(d) based on total resemblance (sadrsi),
Simile based on pure imagination (kalpitā),
(e) based on partial resemblance (kinchit sadṛsi).
Bharata admits that there are also may other varieties which
may be found from the usages of the poets.
Daṇḍin refers to twenty four classes of Upamā by the following
a. dharma-upamā: Qualitative Simile
b. vastu-upama : Objective Simile
c. viparyāsa-upamā: Reverse simile
d. anyonya-upamā: Reciprocal Simile
e. niyama-upamā: Regular Simile
f. aniyama-upama: Irregular Simile
g. samucchaya-upamă: Cluster Simile
h. atiśaya-upamā: Hyperbolic Simile
i. utprekṣā-upamă: Fanciful Simile
j. adbhuta-upamā: Strange Simile
k. moha-upamã: Illusive Simile
1. sleșa-upamā: Paronomastic Simile
m. samāna-upamă: Equal Simile
n. nindā-upamā: Censure Simile
o. Prasamsă-upamã: Eulogistic Simile
p. virodha-upamã: Contrast Simile
q. pratiṣedha-upamā: Negative Simile
r. cātu-upamā: Light Simile
s. tattvākhyāpana-upamā: philosophical Simile
t. bahu-upamā: Multiple Simile
u. vikriyā-upamā: Reactive Simile
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