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sanniva (as it were), samkāśa (alike), saprabha or salakṣma (equal),
sama (like), sammita, (equal in form or appearance), saṃvādi or
anuvādī (imitating), sajātīya (same), pratirūpaka (same in physical
appearance), pratibimba (reflection) upamā (similar), upamita
(compared), kalpa, deśiya, deśya, prakhya, tulya (equal) etc.
verbs: hasati (smiles), nindati (censures) jayati (vanquishes),
dhatte (holds), dveṣṭi, druhyati (envies) pratigarjati (rebukes),
ākrośati (envies) avajānāti (dislikes), kadarthayati (defiles, distorts),
tatpadaṃ dhatte (assumes the same state), tasya anukaroti (imitates),
tulām anubadhaāti, adhirohati (resembles) tat niṣedhayati (forbids),
kāntiṃ vilumpati (assumes the beauty of another), saubhāgyaṃ
puṣṇāti (holds the fortune of another), kakṣaṃ vigāhate (holds the
same position), suffixes: kyac, kyaṃ, kvip, ṇamul etc.
Now we can exhibit how a simile turns to another figure
through slight change:
eg 1. mukhaṃ candra iva śobhate

मुखं चन्द्र इव शोभते

The face shines like the moon. (Upamā: Simile)
2. mukha-candraḥ śobhate

मुखचन्द्रः शोभते

The moon-face shines. (Rūpaka: Metaphor)
3. mukhaṃ iva candraḥ

मुखमिव चन्द्रः ।

The moon is like the face. (Pratīpa: Reverse Simile),
4. candra iva mukhaṃ mukhaṃ iva candraḥ

चन्द्र इव मुखम्, मुखमिव चन्द्रः ।

The face shines like the moon, the moon shines like

the face. (Upameyopamā: Chain Simile),
5. mukhaṃ mukham iva candraś candra iva.

मुखं मुखमिव चन्द्रश्चन्द्र इव ।

The face is like the face, the moon is like the moon.

(Ananvaya: Self Simile)