2023-02-15 09:59:09 by ambuda-bot
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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
As if, melted or mirrored,
As if, painted or engraved,
As if, sown or pasted -
Burried so deep is my beloved,
As if, stuck to my heart rigid
By the five arrows of Cupid,
As if, sewed to me in a network of affection-
Made of threads of continuous relloction.
The first example is the description of a dark night when a man
in the open sorrounding expresses his observation about the pitch-
dark atmosphere. It is an example of vācyā variety of Utprekṣā
because the word iva (meaning as if) explicity states that such dark-
ness is the most similar to a deep black coating on the body, the sky
is downpouring masses of collyrium (like rains) and the eyesight is
completely as vain as rendering fruitless service to a low person.
The second poem is a fanciful description of the romantic
attachment of the beloved lady towards her lover. It portrays an
attractive image of the bond of love existing between them. The
use of the word iva bringing close resemblance expresses the sense
of identification and supposition (adhyavasāna and sambhāvana).
अन्यरूपस्य चार्थस्य कल्पना यान्यथा भवेत् ।
उत्प्रेक्षाख्योऽलंकारः कथितः स पुरातनैः ॥ वि. १४.७
अन्यथैव स्थिता वृत्तिश्चेतनस्येतरस्य वा ।
अन्यथोत्प्रेक्ष्यते यत्र तामुत्प्रेक्षां विदुर्यथा ॥ का. २.२१
अध्यवसाये व्यापारप्राधान्ये उत्प्रेक्षा । अ. सं २२
साम्यरूपाविवक्षायां वाच्येवाद्यात्मभिः पदैः ।
अतद्गुणक्रियायोगादुत्प्रेक्षातिशयान्विता ॥ अ. सं. ३
अतिसारूप्यादैक्यं विधाय सिद्धोपमानसद्भावम् ।
आरोप्यते च तस्मिन्नतद्गुणादीति सोत्प्रेक्षा ॥
सान्येत्युपमेयगतं यस्यां संभाव्यतेऽन्यदुपमेयम् ।
उपमानप्रतिबद्धापरोपमानस्य तत्त्वेन ॥
यत्र विशिष्टे वस्तुनि सत्यसदारोप्यते समं तस्य ।
वस्त्वन्तरमुपपत्त्या संभाव्यं सापरोत्प्रेक्षा ॥ रु. का. ८.३२, ३४, ६३
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A Handbook of Classical Sanskrit Rhetoric
As if, melted or mirrored,
As if, painted or engraved,
As if, sown or pasted -
Burried so deep is my beloved,
As if, stuck to my heart rigid
By the five arrows of Cupid,
As if, sewed to me in a network of affection-
Made of threads of continuous relloction.
The first example is the description of a dark night when a man
in the open sorrounding expresses his observation about the pitch-
dark atmosphere. It is an example of vācyā variety of Utprekṣā
because the word iva (meaning as if) explicity states that such dark-
ness is the most similar to a deep black coating on the body, the sky
is downpouring masses of collyrium (like rains) and the eyesight is
completely as vain as rendering fruitless service to a low person.
The second poem is a fanciful description of the romantic
attachment of the beloved lady towards her lover. It portrays an
attractive image of the bond of love existing between them. The
use of the word iva bringing close resemblance expresses the sense
of identification and supposition (adhyavasāna and sambhāvana).
अन्यरूपस्य चार्थस्य कल्पना यान्यथा भवेत् ।
उत्प्रेक्षाख्योऽलंकारः कथितः स पुरातनैः ॥ वि. १४.७
अन्यथैव स्थिता वृत्तिश्चेतनस्येतरस्य वा ।
अन्यथोत्प्रेक्ष्यते यत्र तामुत्प्रेक्षां विदुर्यथा ॥ का. २.२१
अध्यवसाये व्यापारप्राधान्ये उत्प्रेक्षा । अ. सं २२
साम्यरूपाविवक्षायां वाच्येवाद्यात्मभिः पदैः ।
अतद्गुणक्रियायोगादुत्प्रेक्षातिशयान्विता ॥ अ. सं. ३
अतिसारूप्यादैक्यं विधाय सिद्धोपमानसद्भावम् ।
आरोप्यते च तस्मिन्नतद्गुणादीति सोत्प्रेक्षा ॥
सान्येत्युपमेयगतं यस्यां संभाव्यतेऽन्यदुपमेयम् ।
उपमानप्रतिबद्धापरोपमानस्य तत्त्वेन ॥
यत्र विशिष्टे वस्तुनि सत्यसदारोप्यते समं तस्य ।
वस्त्वन्तरमुपपत्त्या संभाव्यं सापरोत्प्रेक्षा ॥ रु. का. ८.३२, ३४, ६३
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