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(iii) comparison is based on any of the four mutual rela-
tions--genus, object, attribute and action (jāti-dravya-
(iv) cause of comparison is either attribute or action (guṇa
or kriyā, which may be explicitly stated or not.
Two principal divisions of Utprekṣā are accepted:
(i) vācyā (expressed or dirictly stated),
(ii) pratīyamānā (implied or suggested)
Other varieties are also mentioned:
(iii) based on animate objects,
(iv) based on inanimate objects,
(v) based on inference,
(vi) based on pure similitude,
(vii) based on both inference and similitude.
With all other minor divisions and sub-divisions the former one
(vacyā) consists of 56 and the latter (pratīyamānā) 32 varieties.
eg 1. limpatīva tamo'ngāni /varṣatīvāñjanaṃ nabhaḥ.
asat-puruṣa-seveva / dṛṣṭir viphalatāṃ gatā.

लिम्पतीव तमोऽङ्गानि वर्षतीवाञ्जनं नभः ।
असत्पुरुषसेवेव दृष्टिर्विफलतां गता ॥

Darkness is coating the limbs, as if,
The sky is downpouring collirium, as if;
Like servitude unto the undignified master
Eye-sight comes in vain for the onlooker.
2. līneva pratibimbiteva likhitevotkīrṇarūpeva ca
pratyupteva ca vajralepa-ghatitevāntarnikhāteva ca.
sā nas cetasi kīliteva viśikhais cetobhuvaḥ pañcabhis
cintā-santati-tantujāla-niviḍasyuteva lagnā priyā.

लीनेव प्रतिबिम्बितेव लिखितेवोत्कीर्णरूपेव च
प्रत्युप्तेव च वज्रलेप-घटितेवान्तर्निखातेव च ।
सा नश्चेतसि कीलितेव विशिखैश्चेतोभुवः पञ्चभिस्
चिन्तासन्तति-तन्तुजाल-निविडस्युतेव लग्ना प्रिया ।