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जेन वेडेटदेवेन । नियोगेन चास्याकुर्वन्कुवलयानन्दं
'अमुं कुवलयानन्दमकरोदप्पदीक्षितः ।
नियोगाद्वेङ्कटपतेर्निरुपाधिकृपानिधेः ॥'
इति कुवलयानन्दे ।
अनन्तरं च दीक्षितेन्द्रा अतीतेषु १५४८ शालिवाहनशकाब्देषु, यातेषु च १६२६
ख्रिस्ताव्देषु, 'अक्षय'नाम्नि संवत्सरे शैववैष्णवानां विवादं कमपि निर्णेतुं पाण्ड्यदेशा-
धिपतिना तिरुमलैनायकमहाराजेन बहु प्रार्थितास्तत्रागमन् । प्रतीयते चायमंशः
"ओरिएण्टल् हिस्टॉरिकल् म्यान्युस्क्रिप्ट्स्'आख्यग्रन्थतोऽपि । अथ स्वदेशमागत्य किय
१. वेङ्कटदेवराज्यसमयश्च १५०८ (A. D. 1586) शकाव्दादारभ्य १५३५
(A. D. 1613) शकाव्दावधीति निर्णीतम् । (Vide p. xili, Second
Report on Sanskrit Manuscripts, by Dr. E. Hultzsch.)
२. 'Oriental Historical Manuscripts' translated by W.
Taylor, Vol. II, p. 149 :-
"In the year S. S. 1544, in Dundubhi year, the 17th
of Masi month, Muthu-Tirumalai Naicker came to Madura
in order to be anointed (or installed) to receive the
sceptre and other ensigns of royal authority.
"Having thus arranged the plan, the whole was thus
begun to be carried into execution at once on the 10th
of Vaiyasi month, of Akshaya year during the increase of
the moon. From that time fo rward as the master came
duly to inspect the work, it was carried on with great
care. As they were proceeding first in excavating the
Teppakkulam they dug up from the middle a Ganapati
(or image of Ganesa) and caused the same to condes-
cend to dwell in a temple built for the purpose. As they
were placing the sculptured pillar of the Vasanta-manda-
pam and were about to fix the one which bore the
representation of Yekapada-murti they were opposed
by the Vaishnavas. Hence a dispute arose between them
and the Saivas, which lasted during six months and
was carried on in the presence of the Sovereign. Two ar-
bitrators were appointed, Appa Dikshitar on the part of