2023-03-29 18:10:41 by ambuda-bot
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[and not from hope of gain]. You think on this too much; it is
appropriate in matters of the heart: excess of love always ornaments
a proud woman"). (4) The form is: A B B A. (5) Cf. yugmaka
pādamadhya, 'middle of the pāda': (1) a type of yamaka in which a
repetition occurs in the middle of one, or each pāda, or in which
one or both of the middle (second and third) pādas contains the
repetition. (2) B 2.9 (12), D 3.1-2 (5-6), V 4.1.2, AP 343.15. (3)
mcghanādena hamsānām madano madanodină । nunnamānam manaḥ
strīņām saha ratyā vigāhate (Dandin; here the yamaka occurs in
the second pāda: "Love, together with his wife, Passion, enters the
anger-freed minds of women by means of the thunder, which also
drives out the pride of the swans"). (5) The scope of the repetition
is not prescribed: compare madhya yamaka of Rudrata. Bharata
recognizes pādâdi and pădânta yamakas, but not pädamadhya.
The equivocation in the meaning of "middle" is shared by the two
other terms. Rudraţa attempts to specify the scope of all repetitions,
but the earlier writers are sometimes satisfied by indicating merely
the place of the repetition-here the middle of the pāda, or the middle
pādayor ādimadhyântayamakāni, 'yamakas involving two pādas': (1) same
as pādādi, pādamadhya, and pădânta yamakas, except that the scope
of the repetition is two adjacent pādas, rather than one pāda alone.
(2) V 4.1.2. (3) bhramara drumapuşpāṇi bhrama ratyai piban madhul
kā kundakusume prītiḥ käkum dattvā virauşi kim (Vāmana: "Bee,
go roam from flower to tree-flower for pleasure drinking honey;
what joy is there in the jasmine bloom? Why do you make such a
noise, murmuring?"). (4) The form, for this example only, is:
Axxx Axxx Bxxx Bxxx. (5) For Vāmana, a pădâdi yamaka has only
the form AAxx BBxx CCxx DDxx; hence this variation in which the
word pāda appears in the dual.
pādasamudgaka, ''päda-casket': (1) a type of yamaka where the repeated
elements are the first and second half of the same pāda. (2) R 3.36
(37-39). (3) rasāsāra rasāsāra vidā raṇavidāraṇa । bhavatârambhava-
târam mahiyatam ahiyata (Rudrața: "O essence of the earth! O
shower of moods! O exterminator in battle! By you, wise and enter-
prising, the enemy, sent to earth, has been slain"). (4) The form is:
AA BB CC DD. (5) Rudrața gives two other examples, in which
not all pādas show repetition (AA xx BB xx ; xx AA xx BB). Compare
samudga yamaka.
[and not from hope of gain]. You think on this too much; it is
appropriate in matters of the heart: excess of love always ornaments
a proud woman"). (4) The form is: A B B A. (5) Cf. yugmaka
pādamadhya, 'middle of the pāda': (1) a type of yamaka in which a
repetition occurs in the middle of one, or each pāda, or in which
one or both of the middle (second and third) pādas contains the
repetition. (2) B 2.9 (12), D 3.1-2 (5-6), V 4.1.2, AP 343.15. (3)
mcghanādena hamsānām madano madanodină । nunnamānam manaḥ
strīņām saha ratyā vigāhate (Dandin; here the yamaka occurs in
the second pāda: "Love, together with his wife, Passion, enters the
anger-freed minds of women by means of the thunder, which also
drives out the pride of the swans"). (5) The scope of the repetition
is not prescribed: compare madhya yamaka of Rudrata. Bharata
recognizes pādâdi and pădânta yamakas, but not pädamadhya.
The equivocation in the meaning of "middle" is shared by the two
other terms. Rudraţa attempts to specify the scope of all repetitions,
but the earlier writers are sometimes satisfied by indicating merely
the place of the repetition-here the middle of the pāda, or the middle
pādayor ādimadhyântayamakāni, 'yamakas involving two pādas': (1) same
as pādādi, pādamadhya, and pădânta yamakas, except that the scope
of the repetition is two adjacent pādas, rather than one pāda alone.
(2) V 4.1.2. (3) bhramara drumapuşpāṇi bhrama ratyai piban madhul
kā kundakusume prītiḥ käkum dattvā virauşi kim (Vāmana: "Bee,
go roam from flower to tree-flower for pleasure drinking honey;
what joy is there in the jasmine bloom? Why do you make such a
noise, murmuring?"). (4) The form, for this example only, is:
Axxx Axxx Bxxx Bxxx. (5) For Vāmana, a pădâdi yamaka has only
the form AAxx BBxx CCxx DDxx; hence this variation in which the
word pāda appears in the dual.
pādasamudgaka, ''päda-casket': (1) a type of yamaka where the repeated
elements are the first and second half of the same pāda. (2) R 3.36
(37-39). (3) rasāsāra rasāsāra vidā raṇavidāraṇa । bhavatârambhava-
târam mahiyatam ahiyata (Rudrața: "O essence of the earth! O
shower of moods! O exterminator in battle! By you, wise and enter-
prising, the enemy, sent to earth, has been slain"). (4) The form is:
AA BB CC DD. (5) Rudrața gives two other examples, in which
not all pādas show repetition (AA xx BB xx ; xx AA xx BB). Compare
samudga yamaka.