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does the Himalaya, beautiful with even rows of lofty tādī trees").
(4) The form is: A x x A. (5) Compare mukha, garbha, etc.
ekântarapāda, 'pādas with one (pada) intervening': (1) a type of yamaka
in which the repeated elements are corresponding parts of non-
adjacent pādas. (2) V 4.1.2. (3) udvejayati bhūtāni yasya rājñaḥ
kušāsanam/ simhâsanaviyuktasya tasya kṣipram kuśâsanam (Vāmana:
"The evil government of a king who afflicts mankind will quickly
be transformed into residence among the kusa grass for him, when
his lion-throne is lost"). (4) The form is: xx xA xx xA. (5) The scope
of the repetition is not specified; the example shows half pādas.
Naturally, the repetition could occur at the beginning or in the
middle of non-adjacent pādas as well.
känci, 'Conjeeveram': (1) a type of yamaka in which the repeated elements
are located severally at the beginning and end of each pāda, or, in
the manner of a combination of madhya yamaka and ädyanta yamaka,
are the first and last quarters and second and third quarters of each
pāda. (2) NŚ 16.66 (67), AP 343.15, R. 3.44 (47). (3) yāmam yāmaṇ
candravatīnām dravatīnām । vyaktávyaktä särajanīnām rajanīnām
(Bharata: "The going, going of the golden rivers; appear and dis-
appear the nights, like butter"). yā mānītânītāyāmā lokâdhîrā dhirâ-
lokā । sênâsannâsannā senā sâram hatvâha tvā sāram (Rudraţa:
"Your army, supported by haughty women, greatly expanded,
expelling the sufferings of mankind, terrible to see, is ready and near.
Having felled the enemy, your army thus reports to you"). (4)
The forms are: AAxBB CCxDD, etc. and ABBA CDDC EFFE
GHHG. (5) See madhya and ādyanta yamaka. The name kāñcī
probably refers to the city, but may be intended only in the sense of
garbha, 'womb': (1) a type of yamaka in which the repeated elements are
the second and third pädas of the verse. (2) R 3.7 (8). (3) yo rājyam
asadya bhavaty acintaḥ samud ratârambharataḥ sadaiva । samudra-
tāram bharataḥ sa daivapramāṇam ārabhya payasy udtâse (Rudraţa:
"The king who, having attained empire, becomes careless, indulgent,
and spends his time in making love is, as it were, attempting to
cross the ocean by swimming and, by the will of fate, finds himself
abandoned in the water"). (4) The form is: x AA x. (5) Cf. avṛti
cakraka, 'circular': (1) a type of yamaka in which the last half of each
pāda is repeated by the first half of the following pada, and in which
the first half of the first pāda is repeated by the last half of the fourth