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and style, acting and mood; a blend of vigor and gentleness. (2)
AP 345.5. (5) This is one of the six šabdârthâlamkāra enumerated by
the Agni Purāṇa in an unparalleled treatment (cf. abhivyakti, the
sixth such figure). All six are elements of style rather than forms of
speech and belong rather to that subject (guṇa). It is difficult to say
precisely what is meant in the text, both due to the lack of examples
and because the Agni Purāṇa also gives an entirely unique account
of the gunas themselves. It seems safe to say that Dandin's and
Vāmana's list of ten has been differently sorted out, some now being
called śabdârthâlamkāras, as kānti, some gunas, as śleşa. The
catalytic factor may indeed be the dhvani theory (see abhivyakti),
for the term aucitya is of extreme importance in that latter specula-
tion (Dhvanyaloka, chap. 3); there seems to be no specific reference
to such a concept among Dandin's ten gunas.
aupamya, 'comparative': (1) a generic term for those figures based
ultimately on upamă (simile') or describable in terms of the same
structure (upameya, upamāna). (2) R 7.9, 8.1. (5) Rudrata divides
arthålamkāra into four subtypes: aupamya, västava (descriptive),
atiśaya (hyperbolic), and śleșa (punning). In this, he improves upon
Vāmana, who wanted all the figures involving meaning to be derived
from upamã.
kānti, 'loveliness': (1) agreeable or pleasant utterance in appropriate
circumstances. (2) AP 345.4. (5) This is one of the six sabdartha-
lamkāra of the Agni Purana (see aucitya and abhivyakti). Känti
may be related to the guṇa "kānta" of Daṇḍin. See prašasti.
kāraṇamālā, 'garland of causes': (1) a figure wherein an effect (a term so
introduced) is said to be the cause of a subsequent effect, and so on.
(2) R 7.84 (85), M 186. (3) vinayena bhavati gunavän gunavati
loko'nurajyate sakalaḥ । abhigamyate'nuraktaḥ sasahāyo yujyate
lakṣmya (Rudrața: "By just actions one attains virtue; the whole
world delights in a virtuous man. When one is loved, he is never
alone; a befriended man enjoys prosperity"). (4) "By the side of a
murmuring stream an elderly gentleman sat. / On the top of his
head was a wig, and a-top of his wig was his hat. / The wind it blew