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Vries). (5) The English example illustrates the grammatical point
only grosso modo, of course. The comparison of Harvard glances
with Harvard speech is expressed via an adverbial clause which is
functionally similar to the Sanskrit "had the cares which all men
have". Mammața (130) calls this a type of ayotakalupta.
tattvâkhyāna, 'literal description': (1) an upamă in which the similitude
is assumed to lend itself to a confusion, so that one is obliged to
identify the subject and object of the comparison. (2) D 2.36.
(3) na padmam mukham evêdam na bhṛīgau cakşuşi ime (Dandin:
"That is no lotus, that is a face; those are not bees, they are eyes").
(4) "I have seen roses damask'd, red and white, / But no such roses
see I in her cheeks" (Shakespeare). (5) This figure differs from
nirṇaya in that there a state of doubt or suspicion is assumed, here
there is merely a possibility of confusion. In hyperbolic exaggeration,
tattvåkhyāna is the next step beyond catu. Cf. tattvâpahnava rūpaka.
tattvâkhyāna (II): (1) an upamā in which the aim is merely to represent-
neither to praise or blame. (2) V 4.2.7. (3) tām rohiṇīm vijānīhi
jyotişām atra maṇḍale । yas tanvi tärakānyāsaḥ śakaṭākāram āśritaḥ
(Vāmana; Rohini or Taurus, the "red one", is so called from Al-
debaran, the main star: "Know that configuration of stars to be
Rohini which in form resembles a cart"). (4) "To my notion all of
the early part of Mourning Becomes Electra has the sinewy and
homely narrative strength of-let me reach for a comparison which
does him neither too little nor too much honor-a novel Charles
Reade" (Alexander Woollcott). (5) For Vāmana, this is the middle
term in the triad stuti ... nindă. Cf. Daṇḍin, where tattvâkhyāna is
replaced by acikhyāsā—doubt as to the appropriateness of praise or
taddhita, 'secondary suffix*: (1) an upamā utilizing such a suffix to express
the comparison. (2) U 1.20, M 127. (3) (4) For examples, see
subtypes vati, kalpapprabhṛti. (5) The well-known grammatical
term. Mammața distinguishes taddhita upamā from similes formed
by samāsa (compounding), q.v.
tadvācisamkşepa,'ellipsis of the comparative particle': (1) same as
dyotakalupta. (2) U 1.18.
tulyayoga, 'conjunction of equals': (1) an upama in which the object is of
strikingly exalted station vis-à-vis the subject. (2) D 2.48 (49).
(3) divo jāgarti rakṣāyai pulomârir bhuvo bhavān । asurās tena hanyante
sâvalepäs tvaya nṛpaḥ (Dandin: "Indra keeps watch in heaven and
you, O Lord, on earth; demons are slain by him and by you, the