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to. ŚriRangam, the holiest among the shrines of Vișņu, has been the
place of description with its Lord Sri Ranganatha, the supreme deity of
the shrine, in one of the gadyas, Bhagavad Rāmānuja reiterates that
'ŚriRangam' is the designated replica of heavenly Vaikuntha according
to the will of Lord Śrimannārāyaṇa himself.
Even as Śrimannārāyaṇa rests on Lordly serpent Ādiśeșa in his
transcendental realm 'Vaikuntha, his sportly-will is the cause of origination
of Srirangam in this physical universe. The shrine at 'ŚriRangam' since
has been highly regarded revered by every devotee of Visņu.
The triad of gadyas essentially strives to emphasize on one aspect
'Bhakti', devotion to the god, which still has a better epithet in 'prapatti,
complete surrender unto the god, taking succor in Him like Vibhiṣaṇa in
Lord ŚriRama. 'Bhakti 'prapatti' or Śaraṇāgati one may choose any of
these paths leading to Divinely experience, even as every human being is
divinely potential to attain to god, considering his sincere approach with
non-attachment, Uninterrupted discharge of one's prescribed duties, and
knowledge of one's self being subservient to the supreme being,
Bhashyan way
Dr. Bhashyam Swamy
Director & Joint Secretary