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वन्दे श्रीरमणर्षेराचार्यस्य पदाब्जम् ।
यो मेऽदर्शयदीशं भान्तं ध्वान्तमतीत्य ॥*
vande śrīramaṇarṣerācāryasya padābjam
yo me'darśayadīśam bhāntam dhvāntamatītya.
I bow down at the Lotus-Feet of Sage Sri Ramana, the great
Teacher, who has shown me the Self-effulgent Supreme Lord
beyond nescience.
ओङ्कारवदनं वन्द्यं कवीनामादिमं कविम् ।
वन्दे गणपतिं देवं नरवेषधरं गुरुम् ॥
onkaravadanam vandyaṁ kavīnāmādimaṁ kavim
vande ganapatim devam naraveṣadharam gurum.
I bow to the adorable God Ganapati, Pranava-faced, the origi-
nal Poet of poets, the Guru in human disguise.
वेदैर्बोधवते गिरां विलसितैः सम्मोदमुद्रावते
धीरैर्भारतसूरिभिर्बलवते पूर्वैः प्रतिष्ठावते ।
मन्त्रैः मित्रवते महर्षिचरणैः आचार्यलक्ष्मीवते
काव्यैः कण्ठवते धिया धनवते कस्मैचिदस्मै नमः ॥
vedairbodhavate giram vilasitaiḥ sammodamudrāvate
dhīrairbhāratasuribhirbalavate pūrvaiḥ pratisthāvate
mantraiḥ mitravate maharṣicaranaiḥ ācāryalakshmivate
kavyaiḥ kanthavate dhiya dhanavate kasmaicidasmai namaḥ.
His wisdom is founded on the Vedas. With scintillating speech
he is poised in Bliss. His strength has its foundation on the
steadfast seers of this sacred land of Bharata.
*The first verse here is by Ganapati Muni and the remaining three are by
Sri Kapali Sastriar.