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ter. He gave the full name Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi to
Brahmana Swamy, whose original name was Venkataraman. Thus,
the meeting was of profound significance not only for Kavyakantha
but also for the world at large, which could learn from such a high
authority about the real stature of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi,
the Silent Sage of Arunachala. Following this momentous meet-
ing, Ganapati composed his great devotional poem,
Umāsahasram, a thousand verses in praise of Umā, the Divine
Mother, as a part of his tapas in gratitude to the great Goddess
for having given him the Maharshi as his Guru (Master). This work
is the magnum opus of Sri Vasishtha Ganapati Muni.
The Muni had the unique experience of kapālabheda. In
the summer of 1922 at the Mango cave of the Arunachala hills,
the Muni had several yogic experiences, arising from deeper parts
of his being and invading his physical consciousness (resulting in
great physical pain). During this, he visited his Master and told
him of his inner and physical experience. His most compassionate
Master, Sri Maharshi, comforted him by placing his lotus hands
on his head. On the very night, he had the experience of the culmi-
nation of kundalinī sādhanā, resulting in the most unique experi-
ence of kapālabheda. His cranium was broken into two parts; a
distinct sound caused by the breaking arose from the passage,
which joins the two holes of the ears. A line of smoke going out of
the head was perceived there. The Muni later spoke to his dis-
ciples about this yogic experience and that this has been men-
tioned in the sixth chapter of the taittīriyopanişad, quoting
vyapohya sir sakapāle bhūrityagnau prati tiṣṭhati ("having sepa-
rated the two parts of the cranium, he stands established in Fire as
Bhūḥ, the earth element") and mentioned several great effects of
the power of yoga experienced at this time with their secrets. It is
usually believed that the physical effects of this great experience
are such that the body cannot sustain long following this event.