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doubtful if Mayūra can rightfully be credited with the author-
ship of such a composition.
In the course of my investigation into the life of the seventh-
century poet Mayūra, I have discovered the existence of a number
of kings, princes and writers bearing this name. It does not seem
amiss to make brief mention of them here. The list is as follows.
Mayūra, a prince or chieftain, living in the ninth century. He
is mentioned in an inscription recorded in JRAS, new series, vol.
26 (1894), p. 3 and 8; cf. EI, vol. 5, appendix, p. 47, no. 330.
The inscription states that Mayura defeated Nandāvalla, and was
himself afterwards defeated and slain by Bauka, one of the
Pratihāra chieftains, in a battle that was fought near Bhūakupa.
Mayūra, father of Sankuka. Of this Mayūra nothing is cer-
tainly known, as has been pointed out above (p. 52), though I
have there suggested the possibility of his being identified with
our seventh-century poet.
Mayūra, author of the Padacandrika, a collection of synonyms;
cf. A. C. Burnell, A Classified Index to the Skt. MSS in the Palace
at Tanjore, p. 48, a, London, 1880. In the index to this catalogue,
Burnell distinguishes between this Mayura and Mayūra kavi, the
author of the Süryaśataka, but he does not state on what grounds
he makes the distinction. It is interesting to note that in the
opening lines of the Padacandrikā-Burnell supplies the text of
the beginning and ending of the work-there is found a list of
synonyms, or rather epithets, of Surya.
Mayūrabhaṭṭa, author of a commentary on one of the works of
Lakṣmaṇa Giri; cf. Ernst Haas, Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali
Books in the British Museum, p. 72 and 88, London, 1876.
is almost useless without the assistance derived from the Alphabetical
Catalogue of the Oriental MSS in the Library of the Board of Examiners,
by T. S. Condaswami Jyer, Madras, 1861'. This Alphabetical Catalogue
is not available, and I have been unable to get any light from other
sources on the reliability of Taylor's work.
doubtful if Mayūra can rightfully be credited with the author-
ship of such a composition.
In the course of my investigation into the life of the seventh-
century poet Mayūra, I have discovered the existence of a number
of kings, princes and writers bearing this name. It does not seem
amiss to make brief mention of them here. The list is as follows.
Mayūra, a prince or chieftain, living in the ninth century. He
is mentioned in an inscription recorded in JRAS, new series, vol.
26 (1894), p. 3 and 8; cf. EI, vol. 5, appendix, p. 47, no. 330.
The inscription states that Mayura defeated Nandāvalla, and was
himself afterwards defeated and slain by Bauka, one of the
Pratihāra chieftains, in a battle that was fought near Bhūakupa.
Mayūra, father of Sankuka. Of this Mayūra nothing is cer-
tainly known, as has been pointed out above (p. 52), though I
have there suggested the possibility of his being identified with
our seventh-century poet.
Mayūra, author of the Padacandrika, a collection of synonyms;
cf. A. C. Burnell, A Classified Index to the Skt. MSS in the Palace
at Tanjore, p. 48, a, London, 1880. In the index to this catalogue,
Burnell distinguishes between this Mayura and Mayūra kavi, the
author of the Süryaśataka, but he does not state on what grounds
he makes the distinction. It is interesting to note that in the
opening lines of the Padacandrikā-Burnell supplies the text of
the beginning and ending of the work-there is found a list of
synonyms, or rather epithets, of Surya.
Mayūrabhaṭṭa, author of a commentary on one of the works of
Lakṣmaṇa Giri; cf. Ernst Haas, Catalogue of Sanskrit and Pali
Books in the British Museum, p. 72 and 88, London, 1876.
is almost useless without the assistance derived from the Alphabetical
Catalogue of the Oriental MSS in the Library of the Board of Examiners,
by T. S. Condaswami Jyer, Madras, 1861'. This Alphabetical Catalogue
is not available, and I have been unable to get any light from other
sources on the reliability of Taylor's work.