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show you a manifestation of the power of their servants, the lower gods,
that will astonish the universe." When he had said this, he caused him-
self to be bound with forty-four fetters, and placing himself in the back
part of the temple of Rşabha, who was worshiped in that city, he com-
posed a new hymn of praise, full of spells, beginning, "Having duly wor-
shiped the two feet of the Jina illuminating the brightness of the pros-
trate crest-jewels devoted gods,"1 and with each stanza of the hymn
one fetter broke, until he had completed the hymn with a number of
stanzas equal to the number of fetters. Then he faced the temple and
preached the law.
'Here ends the story of the great teacher Mänatunga.'
Yajñeśvara's account of the story, as given in the Praban-
dhacintamani, is as follows:-
mayürakaveḥ kuştharogaprāptau kāraṇam tu bhaṭṭayajñeśvarakṛtāyām
süryaśatakaşıkäyām abhihitam tatha hi-pura kila śrīvikramārkasamayād
aştasaptatyuttarasahasrasammiteşu 1078 samvatsareşu (1022 khristabdeşu)
vyatīteşu sampraptodayasya śrīmadbhojarājasya sabhāsadmaratnadipo ma-
hakavir mayüro dharanagarim adhivasati sma । tasya ca bhaginipatiḥ
kādambarīgadyaprabandhanirmāta banakaviḥ paramamitram asit । atha
kadacin mayürakavir niśaḥ prante sampraptaprabodhaḥ katicit padyani
kavayam cakre । tani ca 'tiva sarasaramaniyany akalayya tadanim evot-
kaṭasamutkaṇṭhāvaśan nijasuhṛde bāṇakavaye nivedayitumands tadāvāsa-
bhavanam abhijagāma । tatra ca bāṇakavir nijavallabhāṁ mayūrasva-
sāram mānakaluşitām prasādayams tatkalakalpitam
gatapraya ratriḥ kṛśatanu śafi fryata iva
pradipo 'yam nidrāvaśam upagato ghürnita iva
prandmanto manas tyajasi na tatha 'pi krudham aho
iti padonam padyam pathitva caramacaraṇasamgatim kalpayams tävad eva
papathyam cakre । atra 'vasare ghanastanitasyeva gambhirasya bāṇakavi-
bhaşaṇasya śravaṇena vivaśāntaḥkaraṇo mayürakaviḥ svapratibhāpravā-
ham niroddhum akşamas tatpadye 'pekşitam susañgatam caturthacaraṇam
kucapratyäsattya hrdayam api te candi kathinam
ity evamrapam kekaninādam iva mandramadhurasvareṇodirayām āsa । tac
chrutva sajjadhanuşas türnam bāṇo lakşyam iva 'yam api banakavir nija-
namno 'nvarthatasamarthanaya [iva] tilasadmano jhaṭiti vinirgatya pra-
nadhikapriyam suhrdvaram mayürakavim samājagama । tato 'sya bana-
vanitaya rasabhangajanitamanaḥkşobhavatyāḥ pativratyaprabhāveṇa 'cirād
eva śāpataḥ sa mayūrakaviḥ kuşṭharogakavalitasarvangaḥ samvṛttaḥ । atha
'sya paparogasya samalam unmülandya śatasamkhyakahṛdyatamapadya-
ghaṭitakavyabandhena bhagavantam bhaskaradevam stutvä tatprasādama-
himna pranaştapaparogaḥ kanakaruciragatro 'yam mayarakaviḥ samba-
1 These are the opening lines of the Bhaktamarastotra.
2 Quoted by Jhalakikara, Kavyaprakāśa, p. 10-11.