2023-02-23 18:49:41 by ambuda-bot
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ekenāivodgamena pravilayam asuram prāpayāmī 'ti pādo
yasyāḥ käntyā nakhānām hasati suraripum hantum udyan
visņos triḥ padapadmam baliniyamavidhāv uddhṛtam kāita-
kṣipram să vo ripūṇām vitaratu vipadam pārvatī kṣuṇṇaśatruḥ
'With only one raising [of myself] I will cause the Demon
(Mahişa) to attain utter dissolution.' In these words
The foot of Parvatī (Caṇḍī), with [all] the splendor of its nails,
as it rose proudly' to slay (Mahisa), Foe of the Gods,
Mocked the lotus foot of Viṣṇu, which was three times raised in
bringing about through a ruse the suppression of Bali.²
[This was] that Parvati (Candi), who crushed the Enemy
May Parvati (Candi) quickly effect the ruin of your foes!
Notes. 1. Or, sagarvam may be taken as an adjective with suraripum
-proud Foe of the Gods.' 2. For the story of Vişnu's 'three steps,'
and of how he overcame the demon Bali by deception, cf. Süryaśataka,
stanza 7, note 4.
V.L. (a) udgatena pravijayam aparam. (b) nakhänām saha vibudhari-
pum or nakhanam hasitasuraripum. (c) udgatam kaitavena. (d) kşip-
tam să vo.
khadgam khaṭvāngayuktam yuvatir api vibho te śarīrārdhalinā
hāsyam prāg eva labdham surajanasamitāu duṣkṛtena tvayāi-
jātā bhūyo 'pi lajjā raṇata iyam alam häsyatā śūlabhartar
darpād evam hasantam bhavam asuram umā nighnati trāya-
tām vaḥ
'O Trident-bearing (Siva), thy sword is combined with a skull-
topped club; and, O All-pervading (Siva), a young woman
is united with one half of thy body¹;
Formerly indeed, in the assembly of the gods, ridicule was en-
countered by thee who hadst thus done wrong,²
ekenāivodgamena pravilayam asuram prāpayāmī 'ti pādo
yasyāḥ käntyā nakhānām hasati suraripum hantum udyan
visņos triḥ padapadmam baliniyamavidhāv uddhṛtam kāita-
kṣipram să vo ripūṇām vitaratu vipadam pārvatī kṣuṇṇaśatruḥ
'With only one raising [of myself] I will cause the Demon
(Mahişa) to attain utter dissolution.' In these words
The foot of Parvatī (Caṇḍī), with [all] the splendor of its nails,
as it rose proudly' to slay (Mahisa), Foe of the Gods,
Mocked the lotus foot of Viṣṇu, which was three times raised in
bringing about through a ruse the suppression of Bali.²
[This was] that Parvati (Candi), who crushed the Enemy
May Parvati (Candi) quickly effect the ruin of your foes!
Notes. 1. Or, sagarvam may be taken as an adjective with suraripum
-proud Foe of the Gods.' 2. For the story of Vişnu's 'three steps,'
and of how he overcame the demon Bali by deception, cf. Süryaśataka,
stanza 7, note 4.
V.L. (a) udgatena pravijayam aparam. (b) nakhänām saha vibudhari-
pum or nakhanam hasitasuraripum. (c) udgatam kaitavena. (d) kşip-
tam să vo.
khadgam khaṭvāngayuktam yuvatir api vibho te śarīrārdhalinā
hāsyam prāg eva labdham surajanasamitāu duṣkṛtena tvayāi-
jātā bhūyo 'pi lajjā raṇata iyam alam häsyatā śūlabhartar
darpād evam hasantam bhavam asuram umā nighnati trāya-
tām vaḥ
'O Trident-bearing (Siva), thy sword is combined with a skull-
topped club; and, O All-pervading (Siva), a young woman
is united with one half of thy body¹;
Formerly indeed, in the assembly of the gods, ridicule was en-
countered by thee who hadst thus done wrong,²