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Was, like the Bull-riding (Siva), spurned¹ to a distance by the
foot of Ambika (Caṇḍī), even though, [like him], desirous
of her left foot,²
And he was <made to appear speckled> by the pollen that was
shaken off from the lotus-cluster damaged by [his] contact
with Ganga (Ganges),
[Whereas Siva was] <beautified by the pollen that was shaken
off from the lotus-cluster damaged by [his] contact with
Ganga [his wife];
[The one, Mahişa], quickly approached [Candi] <with anger
greater than the measure of his desire>³; [the other, Siva],
approached [her] <with sexual passion increased by the
fulness of his desire>.³
May that Ambika (Candi) protect you!
Notes. 1. See stanza 74 (note 5), where a similar spurning of Siva is
recorded. Can this possibly be a veiled allusion to the kick Bāņa received
from his wife (cf. Introd., p. 22) ? 2. The commentary explains: 'De-
sirous to cling to [her] left foot, in order to propitiate and to injure [it].'
Mahişa, of course, was the one who wished to injure the foot, for it was
Candi's foot that was destined to cause his death; cf. stanza 10, note 6.
3. Lit. 'with anger more than superior to the full state of his desire,' and
in the second rendering, 'with sexual desire more than superior, etc.'
bhadre bhrūcāpam etan namayasi nu vṛthā visphurannetra-
nā 'ham kelāu rahasye pratiyuvatikṛtakhyātidoṣaḥ pināki
devi sotprāsam evam dhṛtamahişatanum dṛptam antaḥsako-
devārim pātu yuṣmān atiparuṣapadā nighnatī bhadrakālī
O my dear madam (Caṇḍī), vainly indeed dost thou bend [at
me] that bow of thy brow, whose arrow is thy quivering
I am not Pinäkin (Siva) making a mistake in [using] the name
of a co-wife, while [engaged] in secret amorous play."¹
While he was thus derisively speaking, proud and inwardly full
of anger, and wearing the form of a buffalo,