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appears to have been a favorite, for besides being quoted in the
Paddhati and in the Sarasvatikaṇṭhābharaṇa, it is found in the
Hariharavali of Hari Kavi, in the Saduktikarṇāmṛta of Sridhara
Dasa, and in the Subhasitaratnabhāṇḍāgāra, Parab's modern
anthology. References to these citations will be found in the
notes to stanza 66.
Aufrecht, in the three volumes of his Catalogus Catalogorum
(vol. I, p. 177; vol. 2, p. 36; vol. 3, p. 38), lists six references to
catalogues recording the existence of manuscripts of the Candida-
taka. Possibly there are to be added to this list the manuscripts
used by the editors of the Kävyamālā edition of this work of
Bana's, and the manuscript acquired and read by Bühler (cf. IA,
vol. 1, p. 111), but it is more reasonable to suppose that these are
included among those to which Aufrecht refers. In a manuscript
of the Whish collection (cf. Aufrecht, vol. 3, p. 38), the Candida-
taka is called the Caṇḍikāsaptati, apparently because it there con-
tains only about the first seventy stanzas.
Of commentaries on the Candiśataka there appear to have been
discovered two, or possibly three. One of these is by Dhaneśvara,
son of Someśvara of Daśakurajñāti (cf. Aufrecht, vol. 1, p. 177;
S. R. Bhandarkar, Report of a Second Tour in Search of Skt.
MSS made in Rajputana and Central India in 1904-5 and
1905-6, p. 52, Bombay, 1907), and was used by the editors of the
Kävyamālā edition, as noted by them on p. 1, note 2. A second,
anonymous commentary, which was also used by the editors of
the Kävyamālā edition, is possibly the same as that recorded by
Kielhorn in his Report on the Search for Skt. MSS in the Bom-
bay Presidency, during the year 1880-1881, p. 84, no. 31, Bombay,
1881. A third, of Jain authorship, and comprising marginal
glosses for verses 1-84 (cf. Bühler in IA¹, vol. 1, p. 111; J. Eggel-
ing, Catalogue of the Skt. MSS in the Library of the India Office,
part IV, no. 2625, or 2538a), is perhaps identical with the fore-
going anonymous ķīkā.