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Mahādāityaḥ tridaśaripuḥ (43), 'The Great Daitya, Foe of the
Gods'; Danuja (24, 27), and Dänava (62, 70), 'Offspring of
Danu'; Dänavaḥ mahişatanubhṛt (82), Offspring of Danu,
bearing the Body of a Buffalo'; Asura (57, 85, 91), 'Demon';
and Asurapati (47), 'Lord of the Demons.'
Epithets belonging to Mahişa by virtue of his being a foe
of the gods. These include Devāri (76, 93), Devadvis (40),
Surāri (13, 94, 97, 99), Suraripu (20, 90, 97, 100), Girvāṇāri
(28), Amararipu (24, 98), Marudasuhṛt (1), and Diväukoripu
(23), which all mean 'Foe of the Gods'; Tridaśaripupati (59),
and Vibudharipupati (78), both meaning 'Lord of the Foes of
the Gods'; Tridaśapatiripu (6), 'Foe of the Lord of the Gods';
Duṣṭadevārinātha (81), 'Lord of the Wicked Foes of the Gods';
Devāriḥ mahisacchadmă (69), 'Foe of the Gods, disguised as a
Buffalo'; Devāriḥ kāitavāviṣkṛtamahiṣavapuḥ (75), 'Foe of the
Gods, who had assumed as Disguise the Body of a Buffalo';
Surāriḥ mişamahişatanuḥ (95), 'Foe of the Gods, disguised
under the Body of a Buffalo'; Surariḥ mahişitavapuḥ (101),
'Foe of the Gods, whose Body had been changed into that of a
Buffalo'; Girvāṇaśatruḥ mahișatanubhṛt (73), 'Foe of the Gods,
bearing the Body of a Buffalo'; Mahiṣākāraḥ suradveși (32),
'Foe of the Gods in the Form of a Buffalo'; Dyudhamnām vidviṭ
mahisitavapuh (18), 'Foe of the Gods, whose Body had been
changed into that of a Buffalo'; Chalamahişatanuḥ nākalokadvit
(10), 'Foe of the Heavenly World, disguised under the Body of
a Buffalo'; Triviṣṭaparipu (55), 'Foe of Indra's Heaven';
Gotrasya śatruḥ (24), 'Foe of the Family (of the Gods)'; Ari
(11, 12, 15, 21, 29, 37, 46, 60, 94), Ripu (30, 33, 34, 38, 65, 88,
89), Satru (11, 26, 58, 61, 64, 90), Dviș (12), Dvișat (14), Arāti
(31), and Dveșin (67), all meaning 'Foe'; Dvit mahişavapuḥ
(36), 'Foe who had the Body of a Buffalo'; and Käitavāviṣkṛta-
mahişatanuḥ vidvişan (35), 'Foe who had assumed as Disguise
the Body of a Buffalo.'