2023-02-23 18:49:16 by ambuda-bot
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Stanza 4: A has pratarayasy evam. Stanza 5: S has nikatasthe sita-
damstre bhayakrti ratiḥ kasya; S has necchasi tattyaktaḥ; A has sampraty
eşdiva. Stanza 6: S omits kila; S has sthitvdivam yuktam abhidhatum.
Stanza 7: A has iti kṛtapaśupatipelavapāśakahlaprayuktavakrokti.
bhūpālāḥ śasibhāskarānvayabhuvaḥ ke nāma nā "sāditā
bhartāram punar ekam eva hi bhuvas tvām deva manyāmahe
yenā 'ngam parimṛśya kuntalam athā "kṛṣya vyudasyāyatam
colam prāpya ca madhyadeśam adhunā kāñcyām karaḥ pātitaḥ
What¹ earth-protecting [kings] are there not found, forsooth,
descended from the sun and moon?
Yet we regard you, Your Highness, alone indeed as the [real]
husband of the earth;
For, having touched her person, and caressed her hair, and thrown
aside her long robe,³
And seized [her round] the waist, your hand is now laid upon
her girdle.
[Or, punningly],
What earth-protecting [kings] are there not found, forsooth,
descended from the sun and moon?
Yet we regard you, Your Highness, alone indeed as the [real]
master of the earth;
For, having seized Anga, and drawn Kuntala [under your sway],
and scattered the uncontrollable Colas,³
And taken possession of the Madhyadeśa, your hand is now
laid upon Kanci.
Notes. 1. This stanza is quoted, under Mayüra's name, in the Subhasi-
tavali of Vallabhadeva (stanza 2515 of Peterson's edition), and is supposed
by Peterson (op. cit., introd., p. 86) to refer to the conquests of the
emperor Harşa, Mayūra's patron. It should be noted, however, that
Harşa never extended his dominions so far to the south as to include the
Colas and Käñci, for he was prevented from entering Southern India by
his rival, Pulakeśin II, the emperor of the South; cf. Vincent A. Smith,
The Early History of India, p. 340, 3d ed., Oxford, 1914. Ettinghausen,
Stanza 4: A has pratarayasy evam. Stanza 5: S has nikatasthe sita-
damstre bhayakrti ratiḥ kasya; S has necchasi tattyaktaḥ; A has sampraty
eşdiva. Stanza 6: S omits kila; S has sthitvdivam yuktam abhidhatum.
Stanza 7: A has iti kṛtapaśupatipelavapāśakahlaprayuktavakrokti.
bhūpālāḥ śasibhāskarānvayabhuvaḥ ke nāma nā "sāditā
bhartāram punar ekam eva hi bhuvas tvām deva manyāmahe
yenā 'ngam parimṛśya kuntalam athā "kṛṣya vyudasyāyatam
colam prāpya ca madhyadeśam adhunā kāñcyām karaḥ pātitaḥ
What¹ earth-protecting [kings] are there not found, forsooth,
descended from the sun and moon?
Yet we regard you, Your Highness, alone indeed as the [real]
husband of the earth;
For, having touched her person, and caressed her hair, and thrown
aside her long robe,³
And seized [her round] the waist, your hand is now laid upon
her girdle.
[Or, punningly],
What earth-protecting [kings] are there not found, forsooth,
descended from the sun and moon?
Yet we regard you, Your Highness, alone indeed as the [real]
master of the earth;
For, having seized Anga, and drawn Kuntala [under your sway],
and scattered the uncontrollable Colas,³
And taken possession of the Madhyadeśa, your hand is now
laid upon Kanci.
Notes. 1. This stanza is quoted, under Mayüra's name, in the Subhasi-
tavali of Vallabhadeva (stanza 2515 of Peterson's edition), and is supposed
by Peterson (op. cit., introd., p. 86) to refer to the conquests of the
emperor Harşa, Mayūra's patron. It should be noted, however, that
Harşa never extended his dominions so far to the south as to include the
Colas and Käñci, for he was prevented from entering Southern India by
his rival, Pulakeśin II, the emperor of the South; cf. Vincent A. Smith,
The Early History of India, p. 340, 3d ed., Oxford, 1914. Ettinghausen,