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He is not only the cause of the destruction of darkness whose
nature is one with vileness, but also [the cause of the de-
struction] of sin;
He not only brings about the <expanding> of the lotuses at dawn,
but also [brings] <enlightenment> to those who enjoy
proximity to his rays;
He is verily not only the <maker> of days, but also the <bestower>
of final beatitude."
May that Aryaman (Sürya) protect you!
Notes. 1. Bernheimer (cf. Introd., p. 105) renders this pada as follows:
'Vi protegga il sole che pur essendo solo, al suo levare molte e grandi
cose compie nel mondo.' 2. The commentary, which I have followed,
takes the epithet malinäikātmanaḥ as a modifier of dhvantasya. Bern-
heimer (see note 1) makes it modify papmano, and renders: 'ma anche
al maleficio dalla nera anima.' 3. I have rendered prabodham as 'en-
lightenment,' taking it to mean intellectual or spiritual enlightenment.
The gloss is tattvadarśanam, 'perception of truth.' 4. The reference is
probably to the yogins, who enjoy proximity to the sun's rays in a meta-
physical or spiritual sense. 5. Lit. nihfreyasanam means of final
V.L. (a) H dhvantasyäiväntahettur. (b) B pankajānam mabodham.
(d) B-vitvakäryyoryyabhāvaḥ.
lotaml lostāviceṣṭaḥ śritaśayanatalo niḥsahibhūtadehaḥ
samdehī prāṇitavye sapadi daśa diśaḥ prekṣamāṇo 'ndhakārāḥ
niḥśvāsāyāsaniṣṭhaḥ param aparavaśo jāyate jivalokaḥ
śokenevä 'nyalokān udayakṛti gate yatra so 'rko 'vatad vaḥ
When Arka (Sürya) has gone to other worlds,¹ to make his ap-
pearance [there],
Mortals become, as it were, very miserables with grief, and prone
to sighing and weariness;
They lie on their beds and toss about, as incapable of exertion
as a clod, their bodies without power,
And doubtful as to the duration of their lives, as they see the
ten quarters [of the sky] all at once plunged in darkness."
May that Arka (Sürya) protect you!