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10. 23 (p. 233-235 of translation by Jhã; ed. of Jhalakikara, 166 [110],
stanzas 482-491), for explanation and examples; cf. also stanza 86, note
4; Candikataka, stanza 62, note 2; and Introd., p. 93. 2. Siva is called
the 'Foe of Dakşa,' since he interrupted Dakşa's sacrifice, and pierced the
embodied Sacrifice with his arrow; cf. Mahābhārata, 10. 18. 13; 13. 161.
10-24; Bhagavata Purana, 42-6 (Dutt, vol. 1, book 4, p. 6-25); Väyn
Purana, 30 (cf. synopsis of this Purana by Th. Aufrecht, Catalogus Cod.
Sanscriticorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, p. 54, Oxford, 1864, and transla-
tion of the account of Dakşa's sacrifice, taken therefrom by Wilson, and
included in his translation of the Visnu Purana, vol 1, p. 120-134);
Candisataka, stanza 62, note 5. 3. The burning of Kama by Siva's third
eye, which here is said to be the disk of Surya, has already been referred
to in the Saryaśataka; cf. stanza 55, note 9. 4. I have rendered iha,
'here,' by 'in this world.' 5. In stanza 9, the rays of Surya are said to
be ships for crossing the ocean of the fear of transmigration'; cf. stanza
9, note 7. 6. The adjective niyaminam, 'of the controlled ones,' is
glossed by yoginam, 'of the yogins.
V.L. (a) K na dahati nitarām (for na tu dahati puraḥ); K punaḥ
parayaty, JHB pura purayaty.. (b) HB nastam yuştam; B yānapatram.
(c) J yad vitabhranti fafvad; B bh(?)mad api; JHB jagatām bhränti-
siddhāiḥ siddhāntamiśram śritavidhi vibudhäiś cāraṇāiś cāṭu-
gityā gandharvamukhyāir muhur ahipatibhir yātudhānāir
särgham sādhyāir munīndrāir muditatamamano mokṣibhiḥ
prātaḥ prārabhyamāṇastutir avatu ravir viśvavandyodayo vaḥ
Ravi¹ (Sürya), at his rising, is worthy of being adored by the
universe, and [unto him], at dawn, hymns of praise are
[He is praised] by the Siddhas, with various canonical texts³;
by the gods, with performance of ceremonial rites*;
By the Caraṇas," with full measure of flattery; by the foremost
of the Gandharvas,' with song; by the Lords of the Serpents,
again and again;
By the Yātudhānas, with [proper] restraint; by the Sadhyas,¹⁰
with oblations¹¹; by the chief Rṣis, with feelings of great
joy¹2; and by those seeking emancipation, with partiality.¹4
May Ravi (Sürya) protect you!
10. 23 (p. 233-235 of translation by Jhã; ed. of Jhalakikara, 166 [110],
stanzas 482-491), for explanation and examples; cf. also stanza 86, note
4; Candikataka, stanza 62, note 2; and Introd., p. 93. 2. Siva is called
the 'Foe of Dakşa,' since he interrupted Dakşa's sacrifice, and pierced the
embodied Sacrifice with his arrow; cf. Mahābhārata, 10. 18. 13; 13. 161.
10-24; Bhagavata Purana, 42-6 (Dutt, vol. 1, book 4, p. 6-25); Väyn
Purana, 30 (cf. synopsis of this Purana by Th. Aufrecht, Catalogus Cod.
Sanscriticorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae, p. 54, Oxford, 1864, and transla-
tion of the account of Dakşa's sacrifice, taken therefrom by Wilson, and
included in his translation of the Visnu Purana, vol 1, p. 120-134);
Candisataka, stanza 62, note 5. 3. The burning of Kama by Siva's third
eye, which here is said to be the disk of Surya, has already been referred
to in the Saryaśataka; cf. stanza 55, note 9. 4. I have rendered iha,
'here,' by 'in this world.' 5. In stanza 9, the rays of Surya are said to
be ships for crossing the ocean of the fear of transmigration'; cf. stanza
9, note 7. 6. The adjective niyaminam, 'of the controlled ones,' is
glossed by yoginam, 'of the yogins.
V.L. (a) K na dahati nitarām (for na tu dahati puraḥ); K punaḥ
parayaty, JHB pura purayaty.. (b) HB nastam yuştam; B yānapatram.
(c) J yad vitabhranti fafvad; B bh(?)mad api; JHB jagatām bhränti-
siddhāiḥ siddhāntamiśram śritavidhi vibudhäiś cāraṇāiś cāṭu-
gityā gandharvamukhyāir muhur ahipatibhir yātudhānāir
särgham sādhyāir munīndrāir muditatamamano mokṣibhiḥ
prātaḥ prārabhyamāṇastutir avatu ravir viśvavandyodayo vaḥ
Ravi¹ (Sürya), at his rising, is worthy of being adored by the
universe, and [unto him], at dawn, hymns of praise are
[He is praised] by the Siddhas, with various canonical texts³;
by the gods, with performance of ceremonial rites*;
By the Caraṇas," with full measure of flattery; by the foremost
of the Gandharvas,' with song; by the Lords of the Serpents,
again and again;
By the Yātudhānas, with [proper] restraint; by the Sadhyas,¹⁰
with oblations¹¹; by the chief Rṣis, with feelings of great
joy¹2; and by those seeking emancipation, with partiality.¹4
May Ravi (Sürya) protect you!