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udyad dyūdyānavāpyām bahulatamatamaḥpańkapūram vi-
prodbhinnam pattrapārśveṣv aviralam aruṇacchāyayā visphur-
kalyāṇāni kriyād vaḥ kamalam iva mahan mandalam canda-
anvītam trptihetor asakṛd alikulākāriņā rāhuṇā yat
The disk of the Hot-rayed (Sürya) is like a lotus, [for] it is oft
pursued by Rahu as [a lotus is visited] by a swarm of bees,¹
And it <rises up in the sky as in a garden-pool>, while a lotus
<rises up in a garden-pool [which is like] the sky>³;
Moreover, it <cleaves the stream of mud-like very thick dark-
ness>, as a lotus <cleaves the mass of mud [which is like]
very thick darkness> ;
And it is constantly reflected on the flanks of the horses by the
flashing splendor" of Aruņa>,
While a lotus <is constantly tinted on the sides of its petals with
a flashing red luster>.
May this mighty disk of the Hot-rayed (Sürya), [who is] the
cause of happiness, bring you prosperity!
Notes. 1. Lit. 'followed by Rāhu possessing the semblance of a swarm
of bees.' The term akarina is presumably a possessive formation from
akāra, 'form' or 'semblance'; the gloss is vibhramena, which sometimes
has the meaning of 'illusion' or 'semblance.' On Rähu, and his pursuit
of Sürya, see stanza 66, note 3. 2. Vardhamana's Ganaratnamahodadhi,
2.149 (p. 185 of the edition by Julius Eggeling, part 1, London, 1879),
quotes the first pada of this stanza of Mayūra as an illustration of the
use of the dyu- stem (for div-) meaning 'sky.' 3. That is, the pool, or
well, is round, like the firmament. The word gagana, here used as the
gloss of dyu, 'sky,' means both 'sky' and 'cipher.' A cipher, of course,
is round. 4. Lit. 'germinated (prodbhinnam) on the flanks of the
horses.' 5. The term chaya, which I have rendered here as 'splendor,'
more commonly means 'shadow'; but the gloss is prabha, 'splendor.'
6. The word prodbhinnam, 'germinated,' is glossed by ranjitam, tinted
or 'colored.' 7. Or, trptihetor may mean for the sake of satisfaction,'
and be construed, as it is in the commentary, with anvitam rahuṇā.
V.L. (a) JH udyadyūdyānavāpyam, B udyadyūdyānavāyyām; K baha-